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Plotbunny Games

A member registered Apr 18, 2022 · View creator page →

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Danke für die Info - das ist gut zu wissen! Freut mich, dass du die Anleitung hilfreich fandest!

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis und den Screenshot!

The Game

You have set out together to hunt the monster and end its existence once and for all.

Against the Monster is a story game about a monster hunt, the good of the monster, and the monstrosity of the hunters. Whether it’s a dragon, vampire, tentacle monster, artificial intelligence, or something else entirely—you’ll decide in which setting you’ll hunt what kind of monster.

When the monster faces you in the end: Do you really attack it?

Against the Monster is a GM-less Descended from the Queen story game (you may know the mechanics from For the Queen or from our previous project Viva la QueerBar) for 2-6 players and a flexible play time of about 1-4 hours (one-shot). 

All you need to play is this zine and a regular deck of playing cards (52 cards). No preparation or previous game experience necessary – just start playing!



  • 24 pages in A5 format (148 x 210 mm / 5.8 x 8.3 inches)
  • Full-color cover, black-and-white interior
  • Screenreader-ready with image descriptions, PDF tags, internal references, and external links


  • Complete instructions for play (consent and safety tools included)
  • 4 random tables with questions (13 options for each of the 4 suits = 52 different questions)
  • Table with 18 monster ideas
  • Evocative illustrations on every page (100% human-made)


You can find out more about Against the Monster here:

It's also available in German as Gegen das Monster:

A printed version of the game is available at

(1 edit)

The Lovecraft Boat has been launched!

The Game: The Love Boat meets Octodad

You are monsters and have eaten the crew of a cruise ship (except for the clueless assistant waiter Steve). Now the passengers have boarded and the ship is on its way. To keep your existence a secret, you have to take over the crew jobs despite having neither the education nor the anatomy for that...

The Lovecraft Boat is a rules-light, story-centered one-shot TTRPG for 3-6 players and 1 GM. It's suitable for newbies and experienced players alike.

The Rules

After creating your characters together and choosing a few details of your cruise ship (random roll tables provide inspiration), you can immediately start playing.

The GM can create your adventure and the passengers on the cruise ship with support from the random roll tables, or they can make up something themself. For example:

During a fashion show, nosy seniors want to repair the sonar device, which would lead to a hungry deity devouring the Earth.

You play together to find out what happens. For risky actions, players roll a small pool of D6 to find out if everything works as intended or if further complications come into play.


  • 8 pages in DIN-long format (99 x 210 mm / 3.9 x 8.3 inches)
  • 2 different layouts (2 pages for monitors in landscape format, 4 pages for smaller screens and for DIY printing)
  • Screenreader-ready with tags, image descriptions, and clickable links

Find out more about The Lovecraft Boat here: (there's also a German version of the game, called Das Albtraumschiff).

No, I mean that the PDF version works with screenreaders and has tags, image descriptions, and such. The HTML version is even more flexible to use with screenreader technology (it has a little CSS but that shouldn't ruin things).

Danke für die Information! Wie weiter oben beschrieben sind die Infos und Screenshots von April 2022, es kann also gut sein, dass Itch das Erscheinungsbild seitdem geändert hat oder die amerikanischen Steuerbehörden inzwischen etwas andere Fragen stellen. Leider lässt sich das Tax Interview nicht einfach so nachträglich einsehen, wenn man es schon ausgefüllt hat, aber ich schaue mal, was ich tun kann, um es zu überprüfen!

Thanks for sharing the picture - putting one-page games into Little Free Libraries is such a cool idea!

We just released our newest TTRPG: Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon!

 You are a group of anthropomorphic bunnies in a traditional fantasy world who have bought a dungeon to move in there together... 🐰

  • GM-less OSR map-drawing story game for 2-6 players
  • Zero prep necessary, just start playing
  • Flexible play time from 1-4 hours
  • Suitable for both adults and kids

Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon is available in both English and German here on, and you can also get a printed version over at!

The game consists of a 16-page PDF in A5 format. Inside you'll find:

  • 22 random roll tables to create your bunnies and find out what they'll encounter in their brand-new dungeon
  • Instructions for play
  • An example of a finished dungeon map as inspiration
  • 10 illustrations for the proper bunny dungeon vibe!
  • Screenreader-ready with image descriptions, PDF tags, internal references, and external links

In addition to that, you need a bunch of six-sided dice, something to draw your map on, and optional bunny ears for everyone. 🐰

Check out Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon here!

If you want a pinktastic dolly-fied version of the same mechanics, you may also enjoy Dolly, We Bought a Dream House.

We just released our newest TTRPG: Dolly, We Bought a Dream House!

You are a group of Dollys in a pinktastic plastic world who bought a Dolly Dream House to move in there together... 🎀

  • GM-less map-drawing story game for 2-6 players
  • Zero prep necessary, just start playing
  • Flexible play time from 1-4 hours
  • Suitable for both adults and kids

Dolly, We Bought a Dream House is available in both English and German here on, and you can also get a printed version over at!

The game consists of a 16-page PDF in A5 format. Inside you'll find:

  • 23 random roll tables to create your fabulous Dollys and find out what they'll encounter in their brand-new dream house
  • Instructions for play
  • An example of a finished dream house map as inspiration
  • 10 illustrations for the proper Dolly Dream House Vibe!
  • Screenreader-ready with image descriptions, PDF tags, internal references, and external links

In addition to that, you need a bunch of six-sided dice, something to draw your map on, and optional pink accessories for everyone. 

Any similarities with the pinkest movie of the year and a certain fashion doll are of course entirely coincidental!

Feel free to send us an email through the address in our profile!

Viva la QueerBar is a slice-of-life story game (TTRPG) about a queer bar (or queer café) and the team who runs it. It's a game about the pleasures and struggles of being part of a queer community. All you need to play is the zine, a regular deck of playing cards (52 cards), and 1-5 people to play with you. No preparation necessary – just start playing!

Viva la QueerBar has been written by Sandra Dahlhoff and Andrea Rick, funded by 303 Kickstarter backers, and is now available as a PDF ahead of schedule through Plotbunny Games. We hope you enjoy reading and perhaps playing it, no matter your own gender or orientation!

The printed version of Viva la QueerBar will follow soon - more on that once it's available, too!

Check out the game page for further details and to get your own copy! The game is also available in German!


Viva la QueerBar ist ein Slice-of-life-Erzählspiel (Pen & Paper) über eine Queerbar (oder ein Queercafé) und das Team, das sie betreibt. Es ist ein Spiel über die Freuden und Kämpfe, die damit verbunden sind, Teil einer queeren Community zu sein. Alles, was ihr zum Spielen braucht, ist dieses Zine, ein normales Spielkartendeck (52 Karten) und 1-5 Leute, die mit dir spielen. Keine Vorbereitung nötig – spielt einfach los!

Viva la QueerBar wurde von Sandra Dahlhoff und Andrea Rick entwickelt, von 303 Unterstützer*innen auf Kickstarter finanziert und ist jetzt früher als geplant als PDF über Plotbunny Games erhältlich. Wir hoffen, dass ihr Spaß beim Lesen und vielleicht Spielen habt, egal, was euer eigenes Geschlecht und eure eigene Orientierung ist!

Die gedruckte Version von Viva la QueerBar folgt in Kürze - mehr dazu, wenn auch sie erhältlich ist!

Schaut euch die Seite des Spiels an - dort gibt es weitere Infos und ihr könnt euer eigenes Exemplar bekommen! Das Spiel ist ebenfalls auf Englisch erhältlich!

Please feel free to each out via email!

Thank you for sharing this resource! I'm so excited that someone made fan content for one of my games/supplements!
It's fascinating to see how other people imagine the Suspects I wrote into this mystery - many of the images are surprisingly close to what was in my own head! -- Andrea (CuriousCat / Plotbunny Games)