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Paulo Laureano

A member registered Aug 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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glad you liked it! I have just seen the video. I was rooting for you to finish the level. Cars speedup afterwards.

Have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you so much for the kind words!

Have fun with it the game. I am now teaching how to code in the C language. People may be surprised on how easy it really is (it’s a different experience from coding in Blitzmax, but Equally rewarding). If you are interested take a look a let me know if you like the experience:

Bought it on and you can see it in use on . Thank you for creating amazing 2d art.

Loved it:

Your credit is on the splash/intro screen.

Added Android version (APK). Control on a touch device is AWESOME! You can either touch on either side to move OR press on top of where you want the robots to be. 

Have fun!

(1 edit)

Inspired by the amazing classic Game & watch game "Fire", I created a demo project for a class on coding games (summer of 2019). The game improved on the original  a lot, keeping the visuals as close as possible.

Jump a month 

Jump ahead a few weeks, I had some free time, and improved the game with some modern art (bought from artists):

Both games are available for download, for free, so have fun.

Ah! I made these on AppGameKit Studio to test the engine, it's pretty cool, and does what it says the tin. 

Hope you like the games. Have fun.

Paulo Laureano

PS: if you are kind enough to donate a buck or two, thank you! I want to buy some more art for the next mini-game and it seems like there is a never ending stream of stuff I really like around here :-)