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A member registered Aug 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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how do i play this? it's got multiple p8 files. I want the p8 (or else png) to run in an emulator for a linux handheld, so plz don't mention browser or buying pico8

the pixel art is top notch, and the level design makes the most of the not so big level to make it feel like a complex maze. Great work, +1 to the more levels (or a single level sequel?) request

pretty cool, thanks for your work!
Two questions:
where are the background screenshots stored? i'd like to add some for the games i add.
will there be any updates? compatibility is kinda hit or miss, half the games i add don't run, like marble merger or Poom

you can convert png to p8 with the educational pico8, just drag and drop your pngs and after they're loaded (instantly) write "save nameofyourp8file"... obviously replacing the last word with whatever you wanna name the game

Muy copada la mecanica, saludos del team merithlon ;) jeje

a bunch of games don't work. Hope you update this sometime soon!

yea it's a pretty rough first version, literally done in about 24 hours by myself. I'll get around to upload a new version with difficulty increase, night mode (like the original game has) and more obstacles.

Thanks for your feedback!

I'm not seeing the embed bg color option.

My game AND general background are FFFFFF white, while the border is slightly greyish. Almost perfect, but pretty annoying nonetheless. At least it's not black or something that completely ruins what i had going on

Buenas, estoy un poco confundido con tanto link y formulario, no encuentro donde se supone que suba el PDF con el desglose de mi proyecto, y los archivos que componen el mismo (en mi caso, el proyecto de Unity).

Se supone que se hace en el link "presenta tu proyecto" que se encuentra en esta web
Pero alli no hay ningun espacio para subir PDF o un ZIP de muchos gigas.