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A member registered Jul 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the reply dev!  What I meant was for instance, in block_1, you add a scene then add a dialogue with text and choice/s, is there a way to choose a choice that doesn't yeet you to other block? Just change a certain variable then depending on your choice you'll either go to the next Dialogue or to other dialogue in the same block. If it gets annoying just ignore my suggestion haha. Also I tried using a third party application for my orientation problem, it works but that application have ads so it's annoying.

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I've been using this for a while now, I must say it's extremely great! Specially when I'm tuck in bed and an idea pop up in my head I could just prototype  easily using the android version. Good work overall. It'll be awesome if you could add an option (for android version) to be able to toggle screen orientation since I mostly use the scripting feature and typing in landscape is hard atleast for me.  Also having a condition for a dialog to appear only if certain variable is toggled would be nice. I would like to see this or maybe a new project to be a full pledge 2d game engine

very well made.

Thank you all of you! I'm so so sorry that I went offline for a week, I was busy.. Thanks for all the suggestions don't worry I'll do my best to fix the game


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Hi, I wanna clarify that I am a pixel artist, I can't do 3d graphics. If it's okay then let me join.

I have advance knowledge in GML so I can also code and do some programming.

Im 17 so everyones fine, this is my second jam and I want to try working with a team.