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Pixel Machine Games

A member registered Apr 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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It's time to announce my solo project, "Invasion Machine".

It's a modern warfare, counter-insurgency RTS game inspired by the conflicts in Afghanistan/Iraq. Your goal is to try and keep peace in an occupied province.

It's an RTS at heart (or more specifically - RTT), but I'm adding a few twists:

  • Your units don't have health bars, and generally one unlucky shot can disable them
  • Casualties don't disappear from the map - if your soldier gets wounded, you need to casevac him from the map or risk losing the game
  • It's asymmetric warfare - you may have all the tech, but your AI enemy will try to setup traps and IEDs
  • It's not just combat - you'll also be tasked with winning the hearts & minds of the locals. This means delivering water and hum-aid to them, protecting them from the enemy, etc.

Release Info

The game will be playable in Q1 2019 - for now I'm just touching base and hoping to let more folks know about it's existence. There isn't yet a downloadable package available on itch, so you cannot find the project in search:

Get In Touch

If you're interested, you can find out more about the game in several places:

The game will be available here: store page for Invasion Machine on Q1 2019*

*no playable  build is available, yet. I'm posting here because ignores upcoming projects on the front page, as to not clutter the "new releases" section too much