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A member registered Aug 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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INSANE scope for a game jam game. Incredible work!

This game cured my depression

Nah it's super polished! Great work!

Hey! I added a web build!

I wish I'd found this game during the jam. Good play on classic memes, genuinely fun gameplay, and amazing art. Great work from your entire team.


Thank you! I really enjoyed your game as well!

The platforming is really smooth, and I like how more and more difficulty elements are introduced over time. The art is also really good, it's simple, but it's clear whoever made it has a solid understanding of lighting and color. I just wish the game had some more different levels and more of that cool minimalist art.

Honestly great work! The level design, the music, the simple yet powerful gameplay mechanics all come together to make a game that's easy to learn but hard to master.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your in-depth feedback, especially on vehicle handling. Honestly, I have never made a car game before so the vehicle handling was just trial and error. Once the jam is over I hope to do a complete overhaul of the driving mechanics to make them a bit more responsive and physically based- same for the air control, in my original vision for the game, you could somersaults and 360s and the game would reward you for it. But for game jam time restraints, I'm very happy with how it turned out.

Hey! I'm glad you liked it!

The leaderboard bug was 100% on me. I have a fix but can't push it until after the rating period is over. 😞

Ohwell, just glad nothing game breaking happened.

Thank you so much for the feedback! I'm excited to try out your game as well!

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I really want to redo the driving mechanics later. They feel great at some points but for some reason you can never drift unless you don't want to, and it's always in the wrong direction 🤣

I checked out your game and I really loved it. The sound and art were exceptional. 

Easy 5/5 for aesthetics and sound. Amazing work!

Nice art, nice sound, effective rage game. Nicely done.

It's crazy that you made this in 3 days! Huge props!

Yea, it took me hours to get to sub 50.

This game encouraged me to take up smoking!
(JK, it was really fun)

Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to trying your game as well!

Oh my god, that's impressive. It took me over 3 hours to get under 50 seconds.



Thank you so much for recording btw! I'd love to see the video if you have one!

Thank you so much, Sora! I've added your game to my list of games to stream and rate before the deadline!

HEY GUYS! I apologise in advance, but there is known bug where the scoreboard in the main menu overlaps with the volume controls. It's purely a visual bug, that doesn't affect functionality. Let's just say the UI wasn't meant to handle more than 10 scores, and I don't want to delete anyone's scores, so we're just gonna have to deal with it until I'm allowed to update the game build.

I'm deeply ashamed by how long it took me to understand the pun.

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Oh man, thank you so much! I'm guessing from your time that you didn't stick to the road?

I love everything about this, the voice acting, the music, the tactile and clicky menus, the art - especially the character designs. Great work!

France simulator

Oh my god, thank you so much! I'm glad you had as much fun playing it as we did making it!

Ooops, I think you had already played my game haha

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I love the car physics and all the destructible objects! I must have caused thousands of dollars in property damage. Well done!

I'd love to try your game, check out mine as well!

Deal! Check it out!


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Love the unique control mechanics and the game is really spot on with the theme as well. I mean it's literally so polished, the particles, the lighting, definitely one of my personal top 3 for this jam. Great work!