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A member registered Jun 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I plan on making the music myself, and been having a surprising amount of fun learning it, but I really appreciate the offer.

As for the sao tree, maybe? It's been a long time since I read the novel, so rather than a reference I could just be inspired by it.

Oh wow, thank you so much! Really appreciate the kind words!

Thanks for reminding me... I keep procrastinating in add it in, so I should do it now.

Hey, thanks for the feedback (and sorry for the late reply).

Yeah... sorry for that. All the climbing ledges were added in manually so there would be a lot of bugs like that one. Thanks for bringing it up though.

As for sometimes not climbing down ledges, did you download the recent version? The (Demo2) one. I improved the climbing code on that. If you have, then it might be ledges on the sides since I disabled those to prevent getting stuck on trees. You should be able to see the collision boxes if you press TAB.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the praise! I appreciate the feedback!