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Hey, thanks for the feedback (and sorry for the late reply).

Yeah... sorry for that. All the climbing ledges were added in manually so there would be a lot of bugs like that one. Thanks for bringing it up though.

As for sometimes not climbing down ledges, did you download the recent version? The (Demo2) one. I improved the climbing code on that. If you have, then it might be ledges on the sides since I disabled those to prevent getting stuck on trees. You should be able to see the collision boxes if you press TAB.

It's ok that you replied late but yeah I have the latest version of the demo. Ill try looking at the collision boxes with tab. Also another question will this game be controller supported?

Thanks for reminding me... I keep procrastinating in add it in, so I should do it now.

Your welcome and be sure to not overstress yourself I had that happen to me dozens of times