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A member registered Aug 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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so with the scores coming in it seems people really didn't like my game as much as I hoped, but I am wondering if you would like the be a play tester/consultant on the game as I try to improve it beyond a game jam game. I really appreciated your detailed response and the fact that you went out of your way to get screen shorts.

no worries if you only want to play the game when it gets updates, and not be part of its development, but I would really love to pick your brain on some design stuff, like,

whether I keep the bit manipulation and be a puzzle game, or change it to something more intuitive to none programmers and make each bit represent a tag and the different processes would change one item into another with different tags like water turns to ice, and wood turns to ash.
do I keep the mix of 2d and 3d or do I just commit to one?

do I add a world map where you can find different plants and ingredients?

anyway if you're interested in helping please feel free to reach out I would love someone to bound ideas off, again all good if you're not interested

thank you for your feedback, I believe the turn-in was not working because you had not yet selected the potion I didn't have time to add a turn-in box so it just checked the currently selected item, the console was a late addition to get the game done in time but ill definitely make the game more user friendly after the jam finishes and maybe add button configuration for the camera so you won't need to recompile. hopefully, the next update will have a more streamlined game, I have already fixed things like the camera start position

ah, the game uses cookies to save data, I generate new settings when you start the game so that I can assume they exist at all times but I guess that doesn't work when you have cookies blocked

can you open the console and see if there are any errors? it must have something to do with firefox i might have to download it and try when i get time

can you tell me what you did before it froze? so I can attempted to find the bug for after the jam

thanks, I'm glad you like the idea, the score was definitely far too big for just a single developer, of my skill and time to invest, but hopefully, I can make some good videos about expanding the game into a finished product

thanks for the feedback,
firstly originally I only has a world map of 7 cells so the camera was not inside them and didn't notice after I expanded the map since the game returned to the last screen you were on and I would rarity quit the game on the world scene but I will definitely fix the camera for after the jam voting since it is such a simple fix that would have a huge impact on first impressions.
the game was going to have a UI for making the potions, things like an oven with a hot and cold option, hence some things are mutually exclusive, they would use the same machine on a different setting. I don't really have the art skill to make a UI that conveys the information visually so I instead just used the console but I definitely plan on adding machines and some sort of gamification to the crafting like timers and upgrades to make things faster to take more items.
a currency would be good to allow you to buy more land and maybe upgrade the land too, but funny enough currency was never in the massive scope of the game, I should have done a small story that the potions are random but the dialogue and story have a fixed path

as for that final point cutting down the tree will not soft lock you since the map is not saved between sections specify for this reason, I knew this was a problem and it was the quickest solution, the tree grows back if you refresh the page. I will put a note in the description of the game since your point is valid that if you don't know this you might just give up, first impressions and all.

sorry for the long reply but I really do appreciate the feedback and you have inspired me to at least finish the game into a "fun" state before abandoning it

Yeah, if there was a speed run to a million or something

Love the game. would be nice if you could rotate items tho