As far as I know the way is described is the only way
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Correct about the right block to the left of the button. The way you are describing makes not much sense. In order to stack a block on top of another that is directional, you need something to hold it in place. The first stack should be above that block (leaning against the pillar) and the other stack should be to the left of the first stack .
Wondering if the challenges are meant to make sense without having tunnels available. Without the tunnels,some pieces that are mined and cut become inaccessible perhaps requiring extra hubs to receive unused pieces. As a result getting needed pieces then requires building long roundabout conveyors and then uses up the limited building parts available. Seems like a good game, it’s just not making complete sense.
I’m wondering if you actually think anybody would be capable of solving this puzzle without help.
Not sure what you meant when you said you can create the square block and the first diagonal at the same time. Literally, the same time?
Just to be clear, my setup sends the block headed to the upper left button directly. The path to the lower button is one space longer so there is a stacked block to account for the timing. This path hits the button from the right side (also can be changed to hit from above which has the effect of 2 blocks being pushed downward when the piston fires.) Either way what I’m left with after making the square are the two down blocks and one right block on the platform. The left block that I pushed onto the diagonal to put the other 2 blocks is motion is now resting on the right extension of the middle pusher. The pistons of the middle and right pushers are fired. Can’t go off of the platform to rearrange anything without being stuck on the ground level. What is left other than to somehow (still inconceivable to me) push blocks down the lower path and trigger the unused piston?
Steven, after having made the square block I lose the bomb in order to regain the othe square glue block that was used to access the elevator, I can no longer move the diagonal block and one of the right blocks is inaccessible on top of the button in the far right corner. Am I still able to progress with these restrictions?
If there’s anything further you are willing to say or correct my thinking in regards to making the square block, feel free:
The first block, the block that will hit the upper left button cannot be pushed directly to the button. It has to travel left, one space above the button, and then loop back (requires a down block) in order to synchronize with the object that will hit the lower button. In order to affect the split motion of the 2 blocks, the first block needs to be on another blockdirectly left of the diagonal block. It isn’t possible to get that first block in place without pushing one of the down blocks off of the platform in order to transfer it. Atleast one more down blocks are necessary for block #2 to reach the bottom button. Down ward blocks are necessary to create down right blocks. Two down right blocks are needed to reach the exit and need to be transferred to it ( the exit) by way of being stacked on other blocks. It’s not possible to elevate any blocks in the level after the risers have been used once.
Obviously these can’t all be true and my common sense tells me there must be a way to keep two downward blocks up on the platform while making the square block I’m just spelling out the thought process. Tough puzzle. I believe the only two other I know that started it both already gave up.
When you say that the diagonals will still be made on the upper level do you mean they will also be made by standing on the platform or that they will be made by using blocks that are stacked(as I did for the earlier solution)?
Regarding the making of the square block, the only thing I’ve come up with is that one of the blocks needed to push a button has to be in place (presumably stacked on a square block)immediately to the left of the diagonal so that when either the player or a block is pushed onto the diagonal block, the stacked block to the left is sent left and either the player or the block pushed is sent downward. This seems doable aside from it seeming not possible to have that stacked block in place and be on the platform. If you use the risers on the right to elevate yourself then you lose a useful block with that method
Ok, so from the ground level it’s much easier to slide a row of blocks in order to put multiple blocks in motion on different paths. From the upper level it’s seems you would have to actually push the blocks that would trigger the buttons. So if I’m thinking about this the correct way , that is where I’m stuck. How can you push blocks in any particular direction and manage to get them moving on different paths and or different directions?
Can developer please help us out alittle with S5.?? Please. In partner with another person we’ve spent countless hours here with this.
A brief explanation of what we did was to access the upper platform via the small upper right platform, moved blocks down from the platform in such a way to to store them on other blocks in order to create 2 down right blocks to transfer over to the right side and cross that gap. Used the bomb to deactivate the switch after using the bridge. Arrived at the point of just needing to create an square sticky block t(in addition to the one we have) in order to transfer to the right side. Stuck at lack of ability to create what we believe is necessary to combine the last block, which woukd be some sort of mechanism using all the 3 of the pushers .please can you let us know how we are doing and if we need to change course from this set of ideas??