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Pedro Esteves

A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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I want to ask for your collaboration in my master's thesis research, where I am collecting data to improve players' experience through game adaptivity.

So, I would ask you to go to this link ( and follow the instructions presented there, answering a questionnaire and playing some Super Mario levels, which should take less than 5 minutes.

Thank you for your time and cooperation and for sharing it with others!

(2 edits)

Hello there!

I want to ask for your collaboration in my master's thesis research, where I am trying to correlate game elements with player profiles. I released a prototype last week here, on, for this purpose. So, I would ask you to go to this link ( and follow the instructions presented there, answering a questionnaire and playing some Super Mario levels which should take between 15 to 20 minutes.

Any questions you may have can be sent to 

Thank you for your time and cooperation and for sharing it with others!

For the past two months, I have been developing an open-world action/adventure game set in Ancient Greece called Tessa: The Huntress.

The game follows the journey of Tessa as a new devotee of Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt. Throughout the story, Tessa interacts with her goddess, who will guide and assist her, uses her trusted bow and spear to hunt varied creatures, ranging from common game animals like a boar to mythical abominations such as the minotaur. Through these hunts, she honors her Goddess, who in turn provides blessings and wisdom, allowing Tessa to grow into a true champion of the faith.

There's a demo available on my page: The game was made for one faculty course while developing other projects (most of them not related to game development, unfortunately).

Feel free to try it, and please give us feedback through the comments. 

Check the trailer below:

Thanks for playing!

I'm not the only author of the game so, can you put his name on the video description? It's Nuno Cardoso. Can you also add a link to this page so that other people can play Clandestine Operation?

Thanks for playing!

We have just released an alpha version of Clandestine Operation, a 2.5D shooter where you have to save your friends from the FEUP's professors. 
This game was developed as a university's project!

Download it here: