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A member registered Jun 07, 2017 · View creator page →

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Dis shit's good. Having the HUD appear as items are acquired is a very intelligent way of introducing them. The level fade is visually appealing. Having coins to entice level movement is also very creative. 

Nice stuff. The title screen is a cool touch. Having to break the flag down on the first level is pretty funny.

The humor of the enemies is very clever and the boss battle is super cool. The attention to detail such as enemies exploding in a burst of blood goes a long way. Also the sound effects are appreciated.

The speed is very original; very reminiscent of speedrun type games. Other than the Hud having a few issues with the second level, its very good.

Really really good stuff here! The title screen is really inventive and nice. The level design is very detailed with how the enemies are placed. The level with 2 koalas is exceptionally creative, and the additional keys adds fun difficulty. 

Cool game. The intense gravity made the gameplay very funny. The second level was very detailed and breaking through the blocks was a clever touch.