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There are a number of issues I ran into:

  • Some slimes turn upside-down when moving left.
  • Many fly enemies in the second level are too close to the floor to pass under, but also too close to the ceiling to jump on/over.
  • The lose sound effect plays multiple times when you die.
  • Music does not reset after death.
  • Switches and switch-blocks have missing graphics.
  • Jumping in mid-air causes the sound effect to play multiple times.

Level design is GREAT! A little minor glitches that shouldn't take long to fix, other than that this game is awesome! Great work!

The game is really to play handful of glitches here and there but still fun to play. I also like how you can hold space on the spring and go flying into air and off the screen

Very awesome game Omar! I think the first level is very easy and straight forward, you may want to try fixing the sounds when you die and perhaps giving the Koala the behavior bound to layout. I think that will help fix some things. Also I really like the transition of the new level although once I got to the slimes I was a little confused and couldn't really follow what the question mark things were. You may want to set the angle to no on one of the slimes as I noticed it was moving upside down on the sealing. Also really nice music bro, what song did you use for the second level and where did you find it?

The game plays pretty smooth but the bugs in it cause the game to be pretty much unbeatable

Good game, i like the jumping mechanics. I would fix the issue where the koala can run into the geometry and get stuck.

The speed is very original; very reminiscent of speedrun type games. Other than the Hud having a few issues with the second level, its very good.