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A member registered Aug 03, 2021

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I was just using the example projects you provided, there it didn't work. Ok I see only when create a new node can you define the filename and path. I will try that out. Yes the preview export I had found already. Thanks.

But it would be rather annoying to create a new export node each time I want to slightly change the name or path. Why not make it editable IN the export node at all times? And I like to have variations of file exports in batches similar to what you can do in the Affinity graphics apps. what do you think?

I see. I think it's a very complicated and not very intuitive way to save the export. I could not change the path in the previous node of the export node because it wants to open the pic, but I want to save it under a new name. But wherever the pic came from what I want to is to save it with the export node and it may be a different path and filename than the original pic.

I can't export anything in the exporter. The path is not editable and I can't find any other place where I could define the name of the file and it's target directory. And if I look in the log of the actions I can see exports being made but they didn't land anywhere on my pc. Isn't there a documentation for the tool? And tooltips would be nice too.