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A member registered Sep 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! :D

The Demo is great! I really like the abandoned garden it has a beautiful colour scheme. the only pity thing is that I failed to get all the collectibles X). Anyway, good job!

Oh thanks for telling me! :D

What a beautiful game! Really love the dialogue! By the way, I wonder how you make the text animation, it looks so nice and makes the dialogue more emotional!

This game is quite completed, though it is a bit easy to win.  AnywayI like your music and art. Nice work!

This is amazing work especially the dubbing! Though I was trapped in the dark at first. The reason may be that I heard my step sound on the ground so I thought I was moving in the dark (I can't see anything at that time), but the fact is I was facing against a small mountain and walking in the same position. Anyway, I found the cabin finally haha.

Good job! Can't believe you guys make it in 2 weeks. The level will change between two different worlds, so be careful the platform you stay on may disappear and you may fall down.