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A member registered Feb 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi! We are a team of 1 programmer and 1 artist, and we are looking for other people who would want to join us! We accept pretty much anyone who would want to work with us

My discord is RandomSimp#1421, feel free to add and dm me there!

hi! I have a small team with a programer and an artist, would you like to join us? My discord is RandomSimp#1421, feel free to add!

What kind of game would it be? If its a Visual novel i would be willing to work with you! (for free)

Hi! Im looking for an artist/writter that has a game idea but noone to code it. 

Feel free to dm me on Discord -> RandomSimp#1421

ok! ill be waiting! ^^

hi! I loved your art style! Im a programmer that also wanted to participate in this jam but i cant draw, would you like to work together? if you want to talk in private you can dm me on discord, RandomSimp#1421 !

hi! im a programmer that is currently working with renpy, would you like to work together? im also not a professional or anything but i would love to try to work with you! you can dm me if you want to talk more, my discord is RandomSimp#1421

Hi! Im a renpy programmer and i would love to work with anyone who needs help with the code!

I will only be a programmer if you want, all of the story line, character design, art, dialog (etc...) will be all yours! you are free to do anything!

Sadly i dont have a portfolio, but you can dm me on discord if you want to talk more!

Discord: RandomSimp#0303