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A member registered Jul 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Fair points!
Thanks for taking the time to give your feedback.

Crazy execution, great game! Even more impressive that you made it by yourself. 

Very creative concept, good job!
I would have liked if I could've skipped the timer for the next shot (for example with space).
And I got stuck on the level with the arrows down the middle (created a infinite loop of the bowling ball bouncing around, but also pushed the last pin in an unrecoverable position :D)

Fun experience, good level design! Thanks a lot for the forgiving savepoints :D

From what scores I've seen so far, over 400 is a good high score after some attempts.
Really great scores are over 600, and insane scores are over 1000 :D (I achieved that only once during balance testing, but it is possible.)

Great feedback, thanks! I agree that it has very few simple elements at play and could have more fun stuff as a round progresses.
My jam ToDos included collectable power ups / actions (more in the direction of helping the player manage the amount of balls on the green). But as it is, time ran away faster than anticipated :D

Thanks for the suggestion! Would name that mode "One for All" :D 
But I probably won't update the game further. It was great fun for the jam though.

It is based on time. Every 10th of a second you get a point. 

I agree it is a bit arbitrary. The first plan was to show seconds passed till hole in one, but my brain kept saying "Bigger score, bigger fun" :D

Very simple idea! Great minds think alike:tm:

But seriously, very cool to see Upgrades and a Save System in a Jam Project. Good Job! ;)

Great presentation of the idea! Personally I would have wished for more control.
Solid entry, good job.

With the written tutorial I got the grasp on how to play. Once I understood it was quite fun to find all the remaining survivers and change the surviving part :D

(1 edit)

Neat concept!
And the music can go only up from here, so props for that (gave me some flashbacks).
Had problems with movement when M1/M2 was the "Any Key".

I like the idea & direction. Tough it seems to have been to ambitious to pull off completely.

Great music & art!

Nice one! Felt great to pull some rooms off on the last shot.
I had the same initial premise for my entry, but I like how we ended up with completely different results :)