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A member registered Mar 17, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hi, my name is Ryan and I am a brand new developer. I have created my first game in Unity after about three months of learning, and half of that spent on this game. I was inspired by a mix of applying what I had learned up to this point, and retro arcade classics such as Asteroids and Space Invaders. While not every feature I wanted made it to the game either due to time or my personal skill level, I am proud of what I have done for a first game and wanted to share it with all those who are interested. I appreciate feedback, I do plan to revisit this project once I learn a bit more, and either revamp the original, or apply what I learn to creating a more full realized sequel. Either way, I hope you enjoy.

(1 edit)

Known Bugs:

Aiming does not aim at the center of the mouse cursor.

You can fire one shot when the game is paused.

Powerup balance varies game to game, based on luck and RNG.

Objects disappear off the sides of the game screen. I would like to place art reminiscent of arcade cabinet sides in the negative space but do not have an artist friend, or funds to commission art.