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A member registered Oct 09, 2021 ยท View creator page โ†’

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(3 edits)

We released this demo as early as possible so that we can change the game easier in response to feedback, there's some good thoughts here.

I'm realizing when people think of Quake movement they see movement tech like bhopping and such that's not in our game, even though we're using the math from Quake which was translated for 2D. In 2D stuff like retaining momentum with those tricks doesn't translate, so maybe that's technically a bit misleading, will think this over.

The camera-bit is a good point. We noticed a lot of starbound/terraria/etc players don't mind it but a fair amount of people also disliked the mouse-looking mechanic. I'll bring up the idea of a automated camera system where the developer decides where the camera should be positioned and zoomed per-room, in order keep the action in-frame.

Our biggest inspirations for the current speed and grabbing mechanics are games like Rain World and Space Beast Terror Fright. We want to have  that "Death Tag" feeling where there's little between the monster and the player's actions, since we're trying to be a  tense horror game foremost. SBTF and Rain World do a great job at putting all the stress of surviving on the player's movement and positioning skills during a chase, and we also need the movement system to be fun with the environment since the majority of these games are walking around and running (we didn't think another walking sim horror game would track as well with the idea of being chased).

We noticed the door-thing early on too. We're planning to reduce ambiguity around doors once we get art assets for them: it's on the todo list that doors must always to indicate when something dangerous is close to the other side in order to keep players informed of off-screen dangers.

NADIRARK community ยท Posted in BRUH nvm

Let's see if we can get that fixed. Do you have any info to share about your computer, operating system version, etc?

Does the .console version of the game open? If so it might print some text that explains what's going on.

Thanks for letting us know how you came in, this is a very good idea! 

We plan to update the game page's icon and put some screenshots on there so it's more immediately visible what our game is actually about, we'll add the vore tag around then!

If you'd like any input on how to implement those mechanics in C# Godot, it's something we did for our vore game four weeks ago that I'd be willing to share info on! 

I'm very curious to see how VScroller develops, it seems like you're making a game complete with a proper plot/world/storyline which is very refreshing to see.

(1 edit)

The movement system in your game feels really fluid! That's fairly uncommon for a lot of itch platformer games and is pretty exciting to see.

I noticed a blind-spot: would strongly suggest implementing coyote time and input queueing  mechanics to your jump, as it felt very hit-or-miss when running towards an edge  (especially noticeable in the sandbox). If you plan to have much platforming in your project it's going to be a source of frustration as-is.

NADIRARK community ยท Created a new topic Feedback

This is the feedback thread.

If you've found something that behaves wrong, odd, or roughly that you'd like us to have a look at: this is the place!

If you've found a bug:

Please describe the bug itself, what you were doing or which situation you were in.

If you can replicate the bug predictably, please detail the steps to recreate the bug.

If the bug involves the predator enemy, hit Y and take a screenshot of the yellow text (if any).

Or even something as simple as changing the usual blue highlight around collectables with a golden one or something similar if it's an item you need. 

(3 edits)

This is a very exciting project! I appreciate that both games of yours have actually interesting stories, worlds, and especially personable characters populating them!

I really like that prowler departs from Grove with much more active gameplay, you've done a really good job here. 

I wish the inventory situation was less restricted and difficult once you obtain a large amount of items, being able to put resources towards camp upgrades incrementally would help a lot I think. That way I can 'store' very specific items like clay inside a building I want to make instead of needing to clear out the full inventory slots for doing it all at once. I often find myself collecting items that I see, run out of space, and need to spend lots of time deleting items. A lot of this stems from not knowing what items I need to make which buildings, and realizing I can't just take everything and sort it out later.

Aside from the fact that I feel like I'm constantly fighting the UI over inventory management, I'm loving this project.

Of special note are the enemies! The popup dialogue in combat was a good choice, they feel way more alive than any enemies in Grove! I almost wish I could convince some of them to join the camp.

This game is awesome so far! It's appreciated that you support android!

Would it be possible to add accessibility features for electronic ink screens? All the game would require is a setting to slow down or disable animations on sprites (eink devices have low refresh rates).  If a light UI theme was also added you'd be able to run perfectly on these devices.

This project is impressive! I enjoyed how open my choices felt to explore using the command line (compared to listed options in similar games). Exploring Salem's character as the two of you interact was also a highlight, everything is well written and the styled text adds a lot as well!

The more I think about how you'd have to parse the command line in order to make interactions work the more curious and impressed I am. I'd really like to chat about how you manged that if you'd be interested to reach out somehow.

I hope to see this project develop further, you've got something really novel with a lot of potential here.

Really charming game! The level design seems solidly put together with different areas and progressively higher difficulty (though I feel I might be missing something when it comes to the snake enemies, unless you are meant to not beat them).

 The combat mechanics in the game stand out particularly well and there is a lot to play with and expand if you ever decide to. I really enjoyed the position-based fighting style of using differently shaped attacks to get enemies while also avoiding danger through using the environment or sidestepping around.

Thanks! Yeah the checkpoint is only in the main map which I unfortunately realized after the jam wasn't loading when you hit the start button. I'll release a quick fix for it after the jam is over though! A big request I've gotten is to put a player marker on the minimap, if that's what you mean? It's on my todo list!

Very novel gameplay!

Surprisingly large amount of content as well, especially considering you used both 2D and 3D assets. There's a really strong and consistent style across the game from the levels and 3D characters, the 2D scenes, and the UI as well which is impressive/well thought out!