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A member registered Mar 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Check out the tavern and talk to everybody. Someone might give you a quest:)

Yes they will work with RPG Maker MV or MZ. Just add them to the characters folder of your RPG Maker Project and you'll be able to use them:)

Talk to Pri, she's at the pred hideout which is underground. You can find the entrances in the town

Check for chests at the explorer club house

Sorry, it should have been the widnows version, I uploaded the wrong thing..

Uploaded the wrong version.. It's fixed now:

Wasn't intentional.. I uploaded the wrong version and didn't notice:(

I'm sorry about that. I uploaded the Windows version. 

Sorry about that, I fixed it!

Thanks for letting me know!:) I'll check it out!

It's going to be in the next update that will probably be released around end november.

Hey there! Just fixed it!:D But you'll have to redownload the game.

A lot of people seem to have this bug. I'm unable to recreate it on my side. It probably has something to do with the new sprites as Christella and Annabella have gotten new sprites this patch. My best guess is to start a new game and see if it works..

That's not supposed to happen... Thank you for letting me know! I'll check it out!

Enter the church and take the stair upstairs in the top right corner:)

Update 0.2.0 contains a bunch of bug fixes from 0.1.9 that's why the current 0.1.9 version you can download contains a few things of the 0.2.0 version. But the scenes are 0.2.0 exclusive. I didn't fix the potion bug yet but I think it's not urgent as the strength potion is not essential to play the game.

Oh I just checked and it disappeared.. Must have deleted it unintentionally.. Thanks for calling that out!

Yep it's called true form potion. Sabrina is able to brew it from the start.


Yeah there seems to be a bug with the bed currenly. 

The dialogues with Sophie will be replaced. There's a bunch of dialogue that's going to be added. 

There's also going to be a bunch more scenes with micro prey or small prey. But I can't really tell you a date on that. 

If you enter the church there's staires at the opposite side of the entrance on the right. You have to wait for the nun to move to the left then enter and keep going up. 

Just run too close to her while playing as bunny girl and she'll eat you right away. If you're getting the "not available for this transformation" bug you have to redownload the update and it should work.

The inn key got a new sprite so people recognize it easier.

Yeah it's been fixed. It was my bad. Please redownload the game and it should work just fine.

I fixed the problem. Please redownload the game and it should work.

It was a bug that I was able to fix. The current version should work fine. Redownload the new update and there should be no more "not available for the current transformatiom" messages while playing as a bunny.

Check devlog 0.1.9 :) 

In about a month. Roughly on the 20th of October. 

Yep should be fixed now. New version is online.

Update 0.1.9 seems to have a few bugs. Will fix them asap and then unlock the download again. People who bought the update can then download a fixed version.

Lamia scenes are on 0.1.9

Check out the 0.1.8 devlog. It contains the arena in the pred hideout. There's 2 new Sabrina as prey scenes. 

What key do you mean? The one in the inn?

You're welcome! Glad you like the game :D


1) Yeah she's going to get a scene for sure! 

2) Never thought about that before. Nothing planned for now but I won't say no. Maybe:) 

3) No the inn girl won't have a stomach scene. 


Yep it's out now:)

The first part is dropped by the huge frog "Boba the demon frog" the second part can be bought at the pred hideout. But to combine the two parts you need to buy Sabrina's house which is currently only available in the newest update

Next update will come out in about two days:

Sabrina has 5 stages

Yes, in the screenshot you can see Sabrina at her stage 5. Stage 5 can be reached after eating 20 people.

(1 edit)

I added a guide to the files, you can download it for free:) Hope it helps!