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A member registered Sep 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey désolé pour le retard, je suis développeur blueprint sur UE4. J'ai dèja participé à des games jams. Ca fait presque 2 ans que j'utilises UE4. (j'ai 17 ans) voila voila je suis intéressé 

you deserve it

Well played dude !

If you dont know how to play:

Hold left mouse click to use the green rewind time and release to rewind the time.

The same for use the red rewind time but with the right mouse click.

I'll maybe do a tutorial later.

Nice game, i put 5 stars everywhere exept gameplay (i put 4, (because i dont like 2D games)

Good job!

Thank you for your feedback and your advices !

The 5 seconds after clicked is not bad thak you! ^^

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Thank you for your feedback ! i'm very happy that the game pleases you !

I'm sorry for no tutorial :)

(Sorry for my english level)

Thans you very much for your feedback !

There are 9 levels, i'm sorry for this issue ^^

Thank you very much for you good feedback !! ^^

*Guy because i did it alone haha 

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I'm sorry if you don't like the game.

The instruction for use it are in the "pause menu"

I didn't have time for do a tutorial ..

Thank you for you feedback :)

Nice game, good gameplay and good graphism ^^

I put 4 stars for all

The character customizer is just a tool, in no way does it affect the gaming experience

But thank you for you feedback ^^

Thank you for your answer, i'm happy that you like the game ^^

Thank you for your advice, normally the settings are saved when you click on the button menu.
But there must be a problem :)

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback!