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A member registered Jan 03, 2019

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I like the game but I am having issues with Frasers route as in I have tried tons of different choices and cannot get on his route, I keep getting onto Sin, Aito, Lagi, and Hiryuu (I have already done all those routes) which is frustrating because even the guide isn't helping me. I know that the guides don't exactly give you all the choices since there are a few choices that will lead you to different routes but it wasn't really an issue until now. I must be doing something wrong but I can not figure out what.  I would appreciate help but I guess I will just have to stop playing for now.

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After you talk with cami about his upcoming heat this happened. I have played through the game a few times before and I don't remember it happening so idk if it is because of the last update or not, just thought I would let you know.

Just found another one as well of Vincent still there behind Gilbert. If I find anymore I will just edit them onto this post so I don't clog it up with new posts.

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I know right! Fenris is bae and I already love Finn so mix those together and I am just over here *fangirl screaming*

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I actually just found this game today and it definitely peaked my interest, I did realize that it may contain non con because most yaoi games/Omegaverse stuff does, so I was leery but I bought it anyway willing to take a risk. Needless to say really but I have enjoyed the game so far despite the non con which I found a bit hard to get through.  I am really interested in the story (you have me hooked I want to know what will happen next), and the characters are very likeable and interesting.  Also I am really fascinated by the art style it isn't one I have seen and it is quite eye catching.  I did Nor first because he was soo pretty lol and man his route is very steamy, I like it.  Julien, he is certainly not the type I normally go for but boy does he make you feel all mushy, like boy you are so dang sweet and kind.  Noah is well confusing, he is definitely a type I quite like and oh boy I have a feeling after what happened some serious drama is going to go down in his route. Cami is very lovable and I like him but I already know he most certainly isn't my type and won't end up being one of my favorites (he is totally the best friend I adore though.)  Laurent is the only one I have yet to do so I am going to head off and play his route, have no idea how this will go since he is super mysterious so I haven't got a sense for his personality yet.  So far though my favorites are Nor and Noah. Overall I am enjoying the game and can't wait for more.

Gotta say I have fallen in love with this game. I really adore the ambassador route which is odd since I was so sure the nomad would be my favorite but I love me some sass and the ambassador has that in spades.  I adore the nomad route as well. The knight isn't really my perticular type I would go for but I still enjoyed the different perpective. All the characters are interesting and likable and the story has definitely got me hooked. Overall I really enjoy the game and can't wait for more. Raiden is so darn charming he is making it too hard for me to give other romances a chance lol.