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Oc Concepts

A member registered Apr 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for almost 250 People playing my game!

Thats amazing, even now everyday a handful of people play the game. I'm so thankful. If there is something u want to tell me about the game or wanna share ur experience you can do that here or in the github discussion

Dino Jump 3D community · Created a new topic Suggestions?

So the first Wave is done and about 200 People played the game, which is amazing! Now I want to now your Opinions or Suggestions to keep working on it! Maybe we can build a little community who knows :)

Noted! And thank you again for playing :)

Hey there! First of all thank you for playing. I like the video haha. I watched some videos in ur channel and maybe if u would link the link to the Game ur playing others could try it if they like it :D But eitherways keep the good work up !

Hello there. First of all Thank you for playing the game :)  

The Master Slider should adjust the overall volume of the game :D Does it work as excepted? If not could you tell me pls ? :)

Dino Jump 3D is my first Game. It is a polished up and improved 3D Version of the Google Chrome Dinosaur Game. I would love some feedback and if u have fun with my game. 

Here is the Link: