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A member registered Feb 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Just when I think the liminal space trend has become tired and dull, a project like this comes along and proves me wrong. After spending time milling around these spaces, I'm eager for more from Liminaut. 

The story and sense of purpose that is hinted at in the Liminaut's hub is very intriguing and I'm interested in seeing what you add on top of the loop-like nature of your world-building. (What happens when a Liminaut brings an artifact back? I gotta know about cross contamination AHHHH!!)

If I may make a suggestion that might be of interest. Please take or leave it though because I love your instincts so far: I'd love to see less linear travel (A->B) in the excursions the Liminaut takes. What about different paths? Like, one of my fav things in a game is finding a weird/obscure path and seeing where that leads. In the green fog arch world, there's a path behind the player that leads to a ledge. I'd love to see you play with level design in this way! Even 'dropping' off the ledge could create a new path or detour!

All in all, excellent work Timbo! Can't wait to see what you do next. It's an honour of mine to see that lil alpaca in such a neat project.

Timbo this made my whole day! You’re more than welcome to use the lil alpaca for anything you’d like. I’m looking forward to trying Liminaut so I’ll be in touch on your page after that. That blue+green is so nice in the screenshot. Such a vivid, serene landscape == happy alpacas == happy alpaca modeller (me)

Thanks Dana! Means the world coming from you!!!!! ≧◡≦

Thanks for the suggestion. I don't really see the purpose of adding traditional shooter mechanics to this project, hence, catapulting cows and rocks in a silly manner. There's a bottomless supply of shooters to play these days, don't you think? I appreciate the feedback! My next project might be something you'll be into as it'll incorporate shooting mechanics via pest control.

Hi! I'm not associated with the organizers of QGB but I imagine they are extremely busy getting things ready for the bundle so I'm just jumping in to say I wouldn't take this personally and you should be patient. No, identifying as queer is not the only requirement for this bundle lol. There were questions in the google form regarding legal age and, quite critically, whether you have the legal rights to sell and distribute the content from your games (you mentioned on "The Willow Man" that the game was, quote, "mostly created by one person" but there is no additional info or detailed credits.... That might've raised a flag for the team, just my two cents - but what do I know??) I honestly don't know the reasons and I imagine this is super upsetting for you but please be patient. All this being said, there's always (hopefully!) next year!!! Your games look neat btw and I'm curious to try em out when I have the time :)

♥ ♥ ♥ Thank you for sharing. I relate so much! The reason I invoke The Knife's Silent Shout in the bitsy is because I had a similar moment when I heard Karin's pitched vocals and it was so visceral and strange I had no idea that electronic music could make me feel that way. Flash forward to the years you describe and SOPHIE was one of the few artists I felt was breaking new ground through her tireless dedication to pushing electronic music further and further while also keeping it hot and fun (and vulnerable!) as opposed to cold and dull. Have others come close since, three years later? Maybe?? I think most are still trying their very hardest to emulate and/or chase SOPHIE but they haven't caught up yet. "You don't know what you've got til it's gone." Goodness I miss SOPHIE too!!!! 

I think that is a great idea! Go weird or go home 😎 make sure you post your game here if you do end up using them because I’d love to play your game

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement! I’m glad you enjoyed playing it.

Thanks so much for the feature! This video is awesome - consider me a fan. Lil biscuit - I’m sorry the spiders were so rude 😝

Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback

(1 edit)

Thanks for your overly thoughtful feedback. Gives me a really good sense of what changes I should make in the next update of this game (this is just a demo). Did you know that you can throw the cows very far in the direction of the barn? It’s supposed to be very cartoonish. Also, you don’t have to do the cow collect. It’s meant to be tedious like farm work. You can go straight to the Chasm. Did you go inside the cottage? If not, let me know because I should probably make that more clear in an update as well. Thank you again.

This demo feels so good to play. I really like games where there's encouragement to roam around, not many instructions, and you have to do some detective work of your own. The added time pressure of the dream is the cherry on top because it made me play with urgency. I think you balanced this very well and I'm looking forward to play the game in future versions. 

This was really special. Definitely gave me so many warm fuzzy feelings of forgotten Gamecube adventure games I used to rent when I was little. The emphasis on the surreal aspects just took it over the top! Excellent work.

Thanks for the tip, I'm gonna try to look for the secret Escape level. I thought I kept messing up the first Escape but I was doing that the whole time, LOL!

That is very convenient! Thanks and will most definitely exploit that when I jump back in \m/

Super enjoyable. I love words and how the team worked that into the gargoyle fights (even though substation garg > bathroom garg, all day). Tragically, I couldn't finish the game because something may have happened with the cashier like someone else mentioned below. I plan on playing it again - don't fret too much. I might have missed something in my tab org notes on this first playthrough. Or I'm just not clever enough to help the cashier, lol. All in all, keep it up.

This project is so neat! I spent a lot of time just generating and visiting a bunch of random dreams but I gotta say the sound work on this is excellent and I didn't notice until I started playing around in the house. If you do end up working further on this and polishing, there's quite a strong foundation in Noise so far and I'm looking forward to see what you do next.

Very cool! I'm having a hard time jumping around so I'm wondering how the "Escape" level works? 

Thanks I’ll do that. I was in a rush to upload and at least checked the lil linux penguin (?) box so I think many can tell the difference as it stands right now but I appreciate the advice and will change that now.

It's free to download :) paying is optional. Just click "no thanks, take me to the downloads" on the pay pop-up.

You have to download the zip file for the OS of your choice to play the game. Click any of the "Download Now" buttons on this page to do so. The "how to play" is for once you've executed the game from that file. I'm sorry if that wasn't clear enough at the top of the description on this page!

Such an adorable Bitsy feast!! It acts as a great lil stress reliever here as I sit at work like o___o 

LMAO you're too kind! Maybe my efforts were in vain but I kind of wanted to make it just to play it SO BAD! Consider FBHS not quite abandoned then hahaha.

Wonderfully weird and an etymology nerd's paradise. Well done!

Thanks, please steal away!! Means a lot coming from you.

Such a detailed and cool world!!! I love getting bad endings out of the way and the secrets were such a cool surprise.

Oh my that forest scene! I wanted to dance with the woodland creatures all night. Thank you for making this.Beautiful lil story and Bitsy work.

This had me at BOC! Lovely lil bitsy poem :)

Sorry, that's not an option for this project. In this build, it's playable via browser only. Were you hoping to emulate it on your computer for personal use?

My current PC is a bit of a trash can but this ran great after a few mins! Clever use of the NASA/ESA samples. All the weird things have something important to say!

Hey, I knew I recognized that m%^*$#king tree from somewhere!!!! ≧◡≦

I am concerned that I fell into another dimension on page four. Sick manip work throughout!

Thank you kindly, friend! That was my full intention and as a total scatterbrained grieving egghead it's a relief that I actually managed to get that across. They gotta know!!!!!

Me and michaaaaael, solid as they come <3 Most fun I've ever had getting banished from heaven!!

The sense of relief I had when I nabbed my first Blue Dasher - priceless!!!! So fun and cute. The collection menu is such a cool bonus.

Oh the relief when I clicked those special energy boosts!! Great job

Holy cow, thank you SO much FSV for the video and excellent feedback! I really take it to heart as I'm trying to figure out how to make this idea/environment into a game. Thank you immensely.

Kai, this is such a cool experience!! You captured the essence of the cart you chose big time. Besides the general design being bonkers amazing I really enjoyed operating the lil archivist and the way the music just builds and crests as you move through the archive is great.