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A member registered May 23, 2018

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(3 edits)

Hard but not too hard, the puzzles were pretty fun to play and I finished the game :).

I mainly comment because I founded a bug, when I press multiple time on the direction to finish the level my number of blob is counted multiple time (I guess this is because a new blog is on the finish line). I am playing on the windows version.

Edit: Like many I have seen afterward than other people already founded the glitch ^^'

(1 edit)

The music is catchy :)
The mecanics to score with the fly was a bit frustrating at the start, until my brain remember me you explain that it is easier if I push them, I think it would have took me a long time to get it by myself xD
Was fun but a little repetitive in the end GJ
PS: I founded the Original Spider Design ;)

Très sympas!

J'ai trouvé l'idée sympas au début mais une fois qu'on a compris ce qu'on peut faire on cherche juste de la nourriture pour nourrir le scientifique et on laisse les survivant mourir. On s'ennuyer assez vite car tous se qu'on a faire c'est envoyer un survivant, attendre et ouvrir la porte de temps en temps. Après ça dépend de notre chance pour réussir ou non.