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A member registered Nov 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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n inil;k;./

Do you think it would be better to make a menu or not?

Yeah the theme didn't fit that well. I tried to make it a bit more obvious that your blood kills the enemies but it is what it is i guess 🤷‍♂️




Thanks for posting your game! I just checked it out and it would be quite nice if you could rate mine too :)

Hey I just put mine into WebGL form if you wanna try it now. I couldn't build it for mac for some reason though.

You beat my highscore. Impossible. haha also thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I noticed this issue and I think the only way to fix it is for me to size down all the UI for the WebGL build. What do you think?

This is a masterpiece. I haven't been able to beat it yet but i love the animations and sound effects. This reminds me of a game i used to play on roblox a long time ago called Flood Escape.

Yeah I was messing around with a healing system but I decided to scrap it because it was really buggy. Also when your player takes damage the enemies within a close range of you take damage from your blood. I don't think I really made the blood thing obvious though

When you get shot the enemies within a certain range of you do take damage from your blood. Also, thanks!

The game is very nice but:

-there aren't sound effects

-Not easy to tell when you have gotten hit

-Too hard

The game is very nice but i don't think the limitation is a very good fit for it.

okay i will check out your game

Great game but kind of confusing to figure out what blood type would hurt me or not. 

This game is amazing and i think it should be worked on more and turned into a full game. 10/10

Okay, I will check it out after my class.

okay. i will look into fixing that

I love that the mechanics are pretty straight-forward an easy to master. The graphics are pretty good too.

Nice game! I love how you implemented the limitation into your game.

Very nice game. I love your use of the limitation.


I love your use of the limitation

gonna check it out A.S.A.P.

If you're in need of ratings just post your game name in the comments and i'll rate it. Also rate my game if you want.


very good 5/5

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8/10 needs more content

Hello! I'm looking for a pixel artist. leave your discord # in the comments

also go to if you want a store page

I paid a 100-dollar fee and did some intense hacker programming to put up my store page and demo.

oh also I'm working on a game for steam so it would be cool if you check it out

make W A S & D work

also when you fall off the map you don't respawn

The Lunar Mask community · Created a new topic Credits

Art and Code by NoTimeForAdventure

access code?