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A member registered Aug 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your hard work improving this amazing game

A fine prototype.

Needs a lot of polish but the idea sounds cool.

(1 edit)

Superb job!
Nice gameplay, Great atmosphere and unique concept, the only thing that isn't that great is the content;
-Few unique enemies per Area (The same guy appear over and over).
-Some songs are too short (they loop too fast).
-Few or none options.

I know it's only an early build so it's understandable so instead of this being a critique it's more of a suggestion:
A button to view the log.
That after battle if u end up with 2 or more Allied units that it let you choose which one to keep.
A button or something that let's you pass turn without moving or end turn.

But besides that and that time i got soft-blocked using Stalagmite.
Overall fun and enjoyable game i will definitely keep an eye for future updates.