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A member registered Jun 12, 2020 · View creator page →

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I like the use of simple lines and geometry for the art, it compliments the linear movement of the character in the game pretty well. The game play mechanics you've laid out like the portals and collectibles have the potential to make a lot of interesting levels. If it's possible, I'd try to find vector versions of the collectibles and exit sign to make them fit more with the rest of the assets.

Using the glitch/hacking theme for both the game and the promotional material really elevate their presentation. I like how consistent the game's art style is for the characters and environment too. I just wish there was a bit more depth for the gameplay in the main shooting portion, maybe enemies that can shoot back or are even invincible unless you can complete the hacking minigame.

I love the pixel art of the game, it reminds me of those old school chose-your-own-adventure games for early PCs. It might've been mentioned in the feedback during the presentation, but it'd be great if you leaned into that by using 8-bit styled text fonts and pixelated the pictures used for the puzzles. The number of events and options to choose from in the actual gameplay are also really varied, it's come a long way since its older versions!

The amount of polish that went into this game is insane, I especially like the hand-drawn buttons and how well they fit with the rest of the game's art. The only suggestion I'd make is to make a hand-drawn background for the menus so they also fit with the game's art style.

I enjoyed the look of the environment and the how fitting the music was for the dog character. Using the spiral staircases to transition between the levels was also a really clever idea.

I really like how coherent all the assets are to create the environment, they work really well with the music and gameplay to give the game a polished feel. I think I'd be cool if the music shifted out of the calmer theme earlier once you got to the 2nd combat-oriented level, but that's pretty trivial.

I really enjoyed how the mechanics of the game and how you interact with enemies with the stealth system. One feature I think would help with puzzles would be to add a logbook that either automatically records hints the player gets near, or make it one the player has to manually write into to keep track of things.

The story premise and sprite work of the player character is pretty cool, and a lot of enemies have nice sprites, though it'd be neat if all of them were animated like the rose and chest mimic enemies. One thing that looks a little strange is how the platforms and background look a little stretched, that former might be fixed by mixing a small tile that can be combined to make a platforms/tiles of different sizes and shapes.

The sprite work for the tiles and characters are great, I especially love how detailed the walking animation is with the hat! The checkpoints are also neat to have for the player given how big most of the levels are. I think the main things that would make the game better are detailed sprites for spikes and other placeholder elements and control instructions for mouse and keyboard.

The sprites, sounds, and UI graphics all work really well to make a polished game. I like how the player character has ranged and melee options to fight enemies, and their animations are really smooth as well. One suggestion I'd make is to add more variety in the enemies, like including enemies that can shoot projectiles in later levels.

I like the cute sprites and the color palette of the environments, they really contribute to the Halloween them! If I were to pick something to improve, I would touch up the UI and fonts a little to make them fit with the halloween theme.