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A member registered Jun 09, 2016

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The download link previouly linked in the email leads to a download for a folder called: 'MiscSigns'

For sure. Next time I'll be sure to set a background.

(3 edits)

Heres some examples I came out with. I only noticed a small drag on the second picture.

deleted the puush because it had my email but I'm going to try out a more complex image. I'll let you know in an hour or so how it turned out. Does your graphics settings influence the outcome in any way? I noticed the bigger the brush size the more 'doodley' the image turns out.

(3 edits)

appreciate the clarification.

ok. I'll test again

(1 edit)

New problem. I tried to create an image using this picture:

I go to draw it and define the dimensions the first time then get this window:

I press f12(or the start at the bottom) and it asks me to define the dimensions again.

I get the drawing information prompt

notice the '1 color' when there is clearly two.

heres my 'ready prompt afterwards'

Also had a problem earlier where it wouldn't select colors from the pallet on the side (I made a post above).

I began to draw it and it came out like this after tracing the borders of the draw parameters

The orange color is the one I selected.

(1 edit)

It doesn't seem to want to select different colors from the pallet whilst painting. I made sure they were selected on the configuration bar (on the 'ready' screen).