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Nokutoka Momiji

A member registered Aug 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing Onoway!
I will be expanding the game further in the future. If you would like to stay tuned, follow me on Twitter or the page.
As for the sound settings in-game, you now can access the settings during the game.
Just download the latest patch and hold down [Z] when playing.

Thank you very much! I am glad you enjoyed it.
Please consider following me on Twitter for future updates on the game!

Thank you very much for playing Onoway!

1. Yes, I forgot that people would not know which key to use for menu selection. I'll be adding a message indicating so in the next patch.
3. Yeah, I am a native Spanish speaker, so I thought it good to do translations since they did not take too much time. As for Noku, that is a small easter egg for my friends, since that's a conversational language I am making.
4. That is odd. The volume of the music should be updated as you change the music volume.
5. I will look into that.
6. Thank you very much. I made it quite quickly due to time constraints, but I am glad you enjoyed it! I am a music composer and arranger. You can check more of my music on my YouTube and Bandcamp.
7. Thank you for that as well! I decided to limit myself to using only those four colors (with the exception of the button).
8. That was a secret path intended to lead to a secret level. Due to time constraints, I was unable to add the level. But I left it there as a little place you can reach if you play with the springs.
9. Yeah, I wanted to experiment with not making things too linear. For the last area, I decided to allow for multiple ways for you to reach the button.
10. Yeah, it is a bug I still need to fix. I did not find a fix in time and, again, due to time constraints, I did not fix it since it did not impact the gameplay much. But I will be fixing it as soon as I can and will try to include it in later patches!

I would have loved to explore the mechanic in more ways (something I plan on doing) but I was on a deadline, ha ha. 

Thank you very much for playing this little concept and stay tuned for future stuff!

Thank you very much for playing Onoway!

The jittering on the one-way platforms was due to a temporal fix since players could get stuck on the platforms. I'm currently trying to fix it properly and will patch it as soon as it's fixed.

As for the blocks at the top of the level, that was intentional. Originally, there was going to be a secret level up there. But, due to time constraints, I was unable to do so. I left it as a little thing you can reach if you play with the springs.

Thank you very much for letting me know about the time decrease bug! I was not aware of it and I'll be fixing it now.

I originally planned to make objects which are not affected by time use a different color palette, but I did not get around to doing so.  I do agree on letting them keep their color and will be adding that on the next update.

Thank you very much for playing the game and I'm glad you enjoyed this little concept!