Here's a suggestion, how about make a mission log, like one is for undiscovered/hidden missions, that players can unlock, some mission can only found in certain months and day, if the players miss it they can wait till it return to month 1 and day 1, to start all over, but some missions can only happen one time if miss it can no longer activity, then there's the main mission that is part of the story, and then side missions unlike undiscovered/hidden missions, this mission can level players if completed, from beating 5-7 monster/quest, to how much food you sold/cook, and etc. What do you think?
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Your answer to my first question, I don't like using the step cousin as a way to learn sexual skills, but your idea about unlocking sexual skills is interesting, and it can apply to all the female character, but how much lust and love you gain, heck, each girls had sexual points, by dating them and offer gift, you gain enough points to unlock the sexual skill to each girls. I like a male character to choose who they like to make love especially if it's their first, I don't like male character use other female characters just to have intercourse to learn a sexual skill or something, it's not my style, but if that is your style, I don't judge you, you like something cause you like it.
Hey, it's me again, I would like to say, you make an amazing erotic visual novel game, and I have a few suggestions, 1.) you should start slow in developing the sex scene of the female characters just focus one or two female characters when updating, and when there's sex scene are done go to the next characters, 2.) The are two type of sex scenes, one are plot sex scenes that are part of the story, like the erotic scenes of the step cousin, second are the free use sex scene, where you can have sex to the female character you have a strong loving and intimate relationship with. It depends where they are located, in their home, in school or in work, 3.) add a Gallary features, where we can see previous sexy scenes, naked scenes and sex scenes, those are my suggestions, if you already have ideas that's fine, I just like to share my ideas to you. Keep it up, you're doing great. 👍
DUDE!!! THE INTRO/MUSIC IS AMAZING!!, it feels like those anime slice of life, which is AWESOME! You may still updating the game, and no sex scene, but the music, oh my.. The music is so wholesome and horny. Here's hoping it wont take long to an actually sex scenes, but until then, I'll wait. Good work, keep it up.
I'm trying to find light rules GM emulator or GM-less or anything that help me with ttrpg, like I choose a light rules ttrpg over the heavy one cause it simple, it doesn't require to many type of dice, just a single type D6, and any D6 being use, sure there's D4 and D20 but they only use to randomize items and other things, a D6 also use to randomize things, but the point is that I will choose a light rules ttrpg, and add homebrew rules that inspired from things I read or see, or borrowing rules from the heavy rules ttrpg.
I like the animation about the step cousin. Also love the progress meter, when the game further develop you should add the MC progress meter, where is called 'Love Interest' and all the female characters, not sure what you'll do to the grandma, but it's your game, the MC will choose one girl cause all girls had option who the MC choose, and after choosing a girl to be a love interest, then there will be steps to further the relationship, but their also the option to have a harem progress called 'Polygamy Love' where the MC confess and date 3 to 5 girls, also the job mechanic should be category that is both safe or not safe, like working at a convenient store is a safe job, or a gaurd at a mall or street fighter is a not safe game, each different jobs had pros and cons. Those are my suggestions, but if you already had a plan for this game, that's fine, I just like to share my idea, anyway Be safe, Be clean, and Be healthy.