Yes, the C button should appear on the dungeon is the same button as the battle
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Thanks for your comment!, yes there is some spanish it will be corrected,
I will show the pre-calculated feedback!! thanks for that.
the color dices currently are blocked until you reach certain level then it started to appear, then it will be shown from start in the next run. ( i am not communicating, that is my bad )
i want to change the store , to be more easy decition making
Those changes will be up today.
HI Players
I wanted to share this little game i did myself.
i want to know if is worth my time to make games, don't get me wrong i love to make games, almost as play it.
Heres my game
The arena
Join the arena beat the final boss.
Simple loop game when you gain gold to buy better equipment.
At first you enter with nothing, but later you can have powerfull swords. bows, shields or hammers.
Gameplay idea
Grid movement with semi turn base action.
I want to make more games , and bigger with more content. . . But i cant.. i don't have much time my home responsibilities, my work, everything is against this idea of making games.
At least just for love i will do some more.
Thanks for reading this.
Little tip for next projects:
Avoid slow starts, it keeps the controls away for players who seek to play rather than read...
Inject history or lore in small doses through the gameplay.
(this will give some mistery)
Pequeño tip para futuros proyectos:
Evita usar inicios lentos, le quita el control al jugador que busca jugar/entretenerse rapidamente en vez de leer...
Intenta inyectar historia o "lore" en pequeñas dosis atravez del gameplay
(es mas esto le da un poco mas misterio, aprender en pequeñas dosis)
Despues del inicio fue bastante entretenido sigan asi.