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A member registered Mar 29, 2024 · View creator page →

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Demo 11 - Hotfix 1 ;)

I will ;)

Thank you for being awesome <3

Thank you for the kind words <3

Will do it ;) It's on the to-do list, I'm just finishing a couple of updates on the roadmap and then I'll come back to things like that.

I'm really happy you enjoy it <3

At some point. Since it's my first project and I do everything by myself, the issue is that it will be very difficult to build universal UI, fix the controls and things like that without making a mess.

If I manage to hire artists and programmers to help me at some point, an android version will be on top of the priority list.

I took everything off, because I just wanted to show off and fix bugs on the clothing system. Now the new content is all there :)

Very happy about that <3 Thank you for being part of it! I hope it becomes better and better as the updates go on :)

As soon as I can ;u;

Same thing for mac btw

I tried building for linux a few weeks ago but the build didn't run properly, I'll need to find someone to test linux builds for me to make sure they're not broken.

I don't know a lot about linux but a friend of mine uses Proton to run Windows games in his machine? Might not work for Femboy Survival, I'll need to ask someone who's tested it.

Happy you like it <3

Sorry about the bug, I'm aware and I think it'll be fixed when full demo 11 gets released.

The milking scene requires you to not be wearing the chastity cage and the facesitting scene requires you to be stunned when she grabs you ;)

I love that idea, and I'm happy you like the new system. :)

(1 edit)

I'm sorry that the new minigame made it worse for you, I tried to remove button-mashing to make escaping more pleasant overall.

I have a few tips that might help with the new minigame:

  • Slowly hitting the keys and increasing the multiplier is better than trying to press buttons in a hurry.
  • Upgrading Strength, apart from increasing your escape force, also decreases the minigame decay, both the natural decay and the decay from missing a key.
  • The easy and cheat escape settings are particularly OP because I didn't balance them yet, so it's possible to quickly avoid corruption if you think it takes too long to escape by hitting combos in the new system.

Thanks for your kind words! <3 I'm happy you like it :)

Most of the items will be present on the side doll and some items will be present during scenes (mostly toys like the cage and plug)

Thanks for the detailed feedback! I'm happy you like the game :)

These scenes won't happen if you're wearing the pink cage! Since Morgana has a pretty high chance of putting it on you, Morgana's footjob is harder to come by than I want it to be. 

I'll make it so every morgana has a 50/50 chance of spawning with a chastity cage in her inventory, so that only a few of them will be able to lock you up.

As for settings, I'm aware of the bugs, they have to do with my data persistence system being accessed by multiple settings menus and sometimes the game not updating the sliders/dropdowns to reflect the actual value of the setting.

Some of the systems are working incorrectly while most of them just don't change the UI elements to reflect the actual state of the game, I'll fix that before demo 11 which should come out in a couple of days.

Will fix it! I don't know wether I'll wait for the shop to be available or not, because if I balance it now I'll just have to redo everything later. But I'll try tweaking the probabilities just a bit to make things easier

Thanks for your kind words and thanks for the feedback, I made the minigame a bit easier in the second hotfix :) I hope this works for now but I'll try making it better moving forward!

Thank you <3

You need to masturbate with low corruption :)

I agree 👀

I'm slowly getting there, I just need some time to finish the code and the artwork. I don't know how easy/hard it will be to properly add body modifications, such as body part sizes, but seeing the chastity cage in some of the scenes is something I'll add very soon! Body modifications would be hard to add into the sex scenes tho, so I don't know if that will be possible (I'll try if I see a way how).

The next update, which comes out today, features a dedicated scene to the cage where an enemy locks it on you and you'll have to either buy a key or find one to break free.

I'm really happy you've liked it and thanks for the detailed feedback <3 It always helps a lot :)

The wall thing is a weird one, I made a small fix for it a few weeks ago but I still receive reports sometimes, so I'll need to take a closer look and figure out what I can do.

As for the healing potions, items will be more balanced and easy to come by once I build one of the next characters, the wolf-girl shopkeeper. She'll offer a large selection of items and an unlimited ammount of potions and other consumables to help the player.

At some point. Since it's my first project and I do everything by myself, the issue is that it will be very difficult to build universal UI, fix the controls and things like that without making a mess.

If I manage to hire artists and programmers to help me at some point, an android version will be on top of the priority list.

Coming soon!

Read my mind, regarding the double teaming and gangbangs ;)

As for the items and the perks, I'll add some variants featuring the chastity cage and maybe the buttplug and perks already alter escape difficulty and pleasure gained, but I'll try to increase their effects on the gameplay in general!

At some point. Since it's my first project and I do everything by myself, the issue is that it will be very difficult to build universal UI, fix the controls and things like that without making a mess.

If I manage to hire artists and programmers to help me at some point, an android version will be on top of the priority list.

Thanks for your comment, I'm happy you love it! <3 I'll do it, just need some time :)

Centaur is coming soon <3 I don't know how massive we're talking here haha But I think some monsters are in order too!

Gracias <3 Estoy intentando mejorarlo, Estoy seguro de que entenderé las cosas de Unity y solucionaré los problemas de equilibrio pronto :)

Bigger than most but I was stuck with a bunch of college work to do, that's why it took so long! I hope you're happy with the boss though :)

Thanks for your comment, I'll take a look at it! Unfortunately I never had the chance to play the binding of isaac, so I need to check it out first. :)

I'm happy you like it :) It's my first project, I'm still getting the gist of it haha

Sure thing! I think that would be fairly straightforward. I have no idea how steam works though, so I'd have to study it for a bit

A bit tricky at the moment, mostly due to my lack of time and skill. But I'll make that a priority in the future if possible!

If I can hire someone soon, that'll also help :)

(1 edit)

Not every scene has pixel animations going on behind it, sadly. I only added them for scenes where the middle of the screen wouldn't be covered.

I received this comment a couple of times though. Since it's something people like, I might do a bunch of them in the future and shift the camera a bit to the side during grabs so they're visible!

Thanks for your feedback!

I understand your complaints. It's my first game so I'm having some skill issues fixing everything up and making it enjoyable. I fixed some of the issues you found and they won't be present in the next version though, so maybe that helps a bit?

Don't forget to check it out in a few weeks or months! I'll try to make something you can enjoy more. :)

Thank you <3 I'm really happy you've enjoyed it :)

Todavia no. Tengo poco tiempo para desarrollar el juego debido a la universidad, así que estoy pensando en mejorar lo que tengo entre manos. Una versión de Android significa algunas semanas para hacer que la interfaz de usuario sea universal, realizar cambios en el sistema de gestión/guardado de archivos y crear un sistema de controles que funcione en cualquier plataforma.

Sin embargo, si puedo contratar a un ayudante, eso podría cambiar.