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Ngames Studios Entertainment

A member registered Oct 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hello !

If you can't download it here, you can download it on gamejolt here :

Good to know ! Thank you for this feedback, I hope you will like the final game, and i can't wait to release it ^^ 

(1 edit)

Hello, to escape from him, you have to go to the door where he came in, you can crouch behind objects so that he doesn't see you anymore.

And yes, it's quite possible to access it, during the test phases, I got there, so I think you can did it too.


Thank you for your feedback.


Sorry but not for now. We are still in development on this chapter.
-Ngames's team

Thanks you for your feedback, this is really cool.
But don't worry we gonna add a LOT of more content for the Chapter One and Two.
We hope you enjoyed the sequel of our game.
