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A member registered Oct 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Really great game! The art was great and the music was solid. The levels were extremely well thought out, you have some great depth to the dimension shifting mechanics. I never ran into any problems with getting locked and not being able to solve the puzzles. There was even one puzzle where I wanted to reset at first, but not being able to made me realize the solution. The puzzles are pretty complicated though so maybe there are spots to get soft locked? but these all seem very well designed to me, and I had a lot of fun playing. I think my only recommendation would be I had a little trouble with the lifts when my character and the boxes were colliding, it made it kind of hard to maneuver, but besides that I didn't run into any issues!

All good! Thanks for the specifics, it's very helpful!

Yeah I'll be sure to check your submission out and let you know my thoughts!  :)

Thanks for checking out our game and giving us feedback! I'm glad you liked the art and music, and had some thoughts on character designs. I really wish we had gotten to tooltips for picking runes, but unfortunately missed it because of time. Thank you again for the kind words and letting us know your thoughts!

Thanks for checking out our game and giving some feedback! I'm glad you liked the art, and I agree with you that there is much needed UI/UX improvements and tutorial to explain how to play the game

Thanks for playing our game, and all the feedback and constructive criticism! I got to go back on the recording to watch you play it, thanks for taking the time to go through ours, I'll check out your stream more often, solid content!

Thanks for playing the game and letting us know! I'm glad you liked the graphics :)

Thanks for playing and giving us feedback! I'm glad you liked the art style and general direction we went with the game! The feedback on needing a tutorial is appreciated, definitely agree with you, but I'm glad you were able to figure out the game and had fun playing it!

Hey thanks for playing our game! I'm glad you liked the art and animations!
We definitely need a more in depth UI/UX and tutorial, completely agree. Thanks for the feedback!

Glad you liked it! :)
Thanks for playing and letting us know

Thanks for playing the game! I'm glad you liked the art and found the game mechanics interesting! Good ideas on how to make the runes more differentiable. I think UI is the immediate thing that needs the most improvement, so the specific ideas are really appreciated! Thanks for the feedback and kind words!

Thanks for playing our game! We struggled a little with changing the game from it's original resolution to match the web browser resolution, but the advice is really helpful. The game would definitely benefit from reactive sizing and and options to scale all the ui elements to the size the player wants. I'm glad you found it interesting and liked the art, we appreciate the feedback!

Hey thanks for playing our game! I'm glad you liked it and found it interesting! If you've got time to come back and respond, could you let us know which buttons specifically you think could use improvement? Thanks so much for the feedback, it's helpful and appreciated!

Thanks for playing our game and giving us some feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed the art and music and that you see the potential in the game!

Hey thanks for checking out our game! I completely agree the game is lacking in sufficient UI/UX, tutorial, and thorough enough explanations. So definitely with you on that point. I'm glad you liked the art and music and thanks for leaving us with a review and feedback!

Thank you so much for playing the game and leaving us with the kind words! All three of us are interested in continuing the project, so I'm hopeful a full game can become a reality one day :)

Thanks for playing and leaving us with the feedback! I'm glad you see the potential in the game!

Dang, really sorry you bumped into some of the gamebreaking  bugs we have. We unfortunately didn't have time to playtest all the runes, we added them in last day and time was getting down to the wire. But I'm super excited you tested out all the options! I definitely think the heal rune is busted too haha! You've got some great, really specific feedback in here about game balancing and just quality of life fixes, it's very appreciated, and I think you've got really solid ideas on how to improve the game. Thanks so much for taking the time to play our game so thoroughly and to leave a really well thought out review!

I'll definitely check your game out!
Our artist worked super hard this week to get all designs, art, and animations done, so I'm glad you like them! Thanks for playing and letting us know what you think!

I'm glad you liked it! Our artist worked really hard on the project. Thanks for playing and letting us know what you think!

I'm glad you like the game! I agree it's got a tough start because of a lack of  guiding UI/UX and tutorial.  Thanks for playing it and giving us feedback, I'm definitely going to check yours out!

So happy you liked it! Thanks for playing and letting us know :D

Completely agree that a more guiding UI/UX is needed, and tutorial. We appreciate the feedback and thanks for playing our game, hope you enjoyed it!

I'm glad you liked the designs! We would have loved to include a system for vfx and sfx feedback for actions, but unfortunately didn't have time to get to that. Thanks for playing the game, and giving us your feedback on it!

(1 edit)

Ah, sorry you hit a gamebreaking bug. The game is unfortunately littered with those in it's current state. I'm glad you liked the dice mechanic and had fun despite the issues! We all love Slay the Spire and other deckbuilders and resource management games, and definitely tried to draw inspiration from those sources.  Thanks for playing and giving us feedback!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you had a good overall experience with the game.  The feedback is appreciated on rune details. More complete information on how things work is definitely needed.

Thanks for playing and giving us some feedback! If we could do it over, we definitely would focus on a tutorial and more guiding UI/UX. I'm glad the art and  design stood out to you! Our artist worked really hard on design, sprites, and animations

Thanks for playing and giving feedback! I agree we went too big with our scope for a game jam. I'm glad you liked the monsters and found the music fitting!

Thanks for playing and giving feedback! I would definitely have liked to have planned deeper strategy and progression for the game, but we're hoping to continue working on the project!

Haha! I'm glad you didn't find any terrible ones, but they're in there :)
Thanks for playing! We appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for checking out our game! It definitely could be developed to make how to play more obvious, and could use a tutorial. We appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for playing the game! I'm glad you found the mechanics interesting. We appreciate the feedback!

Really happy you see potential in it and enjoyed the game mechanics! Thanks for playing and giving feedback!

Thanks so much for the praise and feedback! We are huge fans of Slay the Spire and other deckbuilders and resource managements games. Sorry you hit a gamebreaking bug at the cultist, it sucks to end a run that way.  Our artist had some really great ideas for vfx that we didn't have time to implement. Same with a more developed UI/UX and tutorial, but we're glad you liked it, and we'd like to continue the project. I'm glad you see potential in it!

Thanks for playing and for giving really specific feedback, it's definitely helpful. Happy you see potential in it and liked the idea behind it!

Yeah! I was bummed I didn't have time to get to sfx. I think it would have added a lot. Thanks for playing and giving feedback!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you were able to figure things out with the tooltips. We appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for the compliments and feedback! There were lots of game mechanics we would have liked to explore but didn't have time, but yours is a cool idea to build on

Will definitely check yours out! Thanks for playing ours and giving the compliments

Thanks for playing our game! I'm glad you thought the mechanics were interesting and you liked the art. Our artist worked super hard on the project