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A member registered Jan 30, 2024

Recent community posts

yes sir! Not sure how the new naming system works but my username is either pragmat or pragmat#2195 :)

I'm on the lookout for talented pixel artists eager to embark on exciting game projects for various game jams. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, if you have a passion for pixel art and want to join forces to create awesome games, let's team up!

About me: I'm enthusiastic about expanding my knowledge and portfolio, and above all, making new friends in the gaming community. Collaborating on smaller projects for game jams is a fantastic way to achieve all these goals while having a blast.

What I bring to the table:

  • Experienced Unity developer
  • Schooling in game development
  • Great team player
  • Experienced 3D artist
  • Experience with digital marketing

What I'm looking for in a pixel artist:

  • Enthusiastic about game development
  • Passionate about pixel art
  • Open to creative collaboration
  • Experience with animating sprites

If you're interested in being part of this creative journey, drop me a message or reply here. Let's create some memorable games together and build lasting connections!

Looking forward to meeting and working with some awesome pixel artists!