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A member registered May 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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this was a joke man

this is literally unplayable, i hate it

Really cool. I wish we could have a full-length game out of this!

makes sense. good job!

I was just wondering how. is there some technical aspect of the quest that other developers haven't found out about, or is it just lots of extra effort to make a game look nice?

How is this possible? I'm having a bit of trouble believing you can actually do this...

Awesome concept with acceptable-poor execution. With lots of bugs, problems, and incredibly poor balancing; Yet quite fun as a concept and great with friends. Make this a fully streamlined experience and I will pay money for it.

if they add lots of customization to the settings this game will be amazing. 

Just let us play with the match settings. let us change timers and live amounts and ban/ change abilities, that would be awesome.

My favorite mobile game, thanks for taking the time to make it!

No, he totally abandoned the game :(

When I try to start it it says "This app can't run on your PC".

I'm not seeing any specifications that I don't meet, are there any requirements not noted in the description?

ok, on it's way

it is just a black screen to me, no matter what i type.

plz help

The game is unplayable to me in it's current state, is there any fix available?