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A member registered Mar 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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Alive and well! It took a bit more time than initially planned but i’m happy that I managed to finish it properly :)

(1 edit)

Hey ! Thanks for your feedback, we are glad to ear that you enjoyed our game !

Just to answer some of your interrogations, the crystal puzzle was meant to be a kind of sandbox puzzle, there is obviously an intended way but we haven’t restricted other ways so that the player can find it’s own way if he wish ! We are aware of some issues with the boss and the final room and these issues are actively being worked on, most of them are not hardware related but only stuff that did not work as intended.

Very good ! Keep going :)

No problem, enjoy ! :)

And when you extract the files it doesn’t give you a folder with the game ?

Do you have a software to extract files like Winrar ?

Hey, are you running on Windows ?

Of course you’re cOoL

It was a bit too strong to just stay on top of a car and kill everyone :p

Thanks for the recommendation of using Buttler, I will look forward to test it ! :)

Hey thanks for your feedback. I hadn’t thought about it and it’s a very good idea !

(1 edit)

Hey ! Thanks for playing and thanks for you video ! In your video I see that you played in the first version of the game, I recently updated it with the Pre-Alpha 1.1.0 and 1.11.0. In these version I already fixed the different bugs and problems you said in your message ! :)

Hey, thanks for your feedback, I will see to add this in the next update !

I hope so ! :)

Hey ! First of all, thanks for your video, it’s really helpful and your video is very constructive so thanks for that !

I noted down some things you said in the video in order to answer to them:

  • First, when you said “it’s not an open world thing, this is like a wave fighter” this is partially true, for now the game include only a Horde mode but in a few updates I will start to implement the other game mode planned, a fully Survival mode with exploration and all this kind of stuff.
  • Then, I noticed in your video that AI have some problems and you used some exploits making obviously the game easier like climbing on the rooftops or on vans, this will be nerfed a bit when the zombies will get the ability of jumping (this will come in a few udpates too)
  • You also said “i don’t like that you can’t switch weapon while your reloading”, this is a change a brought with the last update (Pre-Alpha 1.11.0) so this is now possible :)
  • I’m aware of the aiming being a bit useless. The aiming system will receive a complete rework in future when I will implement the character animations.
  • The time between each wave will be increased when I will implement the crafting and these more complex features, for now I put 30s just to put a bit of delay :p
  • Also, the buildings will stay the same but will have a lot of props etc to differentiate them and make each one interesting (They will have multiple different floors too)
  • Then, the Multiplayer. Multiplayer is a feature which I see a lot in the feedbacks I get, but for now I don’t plan to add it anytime soon because, I don’t have the skills to do so and I don’t neither want to mess with this for now, but maybe later, in a Post-Launch update I will add multiplayer ;)
  • Finally, for the look of the game, the stylised is what I wanted for the game and I don’t plan to make it more realistic, i’m pretty happy with the actual look of the game ! But a lot of thing will get a rework, especially in sounds as you said

Thanks again for you video and I hope I answered to all you concerns !

Thanks !

Yeah this is part of my planned balancing, I need to test different configurations, and thanks you ! :)

Thanks you ! :)

Hey everyone ! I recently published my game Project Apocalypse on after several months of work, it’s currently in Pre-Alpha status and available to download for free here !

But what is this ? Project Apocalypse is a Survival First Person Shooter who take place in a fictional city with stylized graphics ! For now, the player have access to a Horde Mode including infinite waves of zombies. 9 differents weapons with upgrades, projectiles and more are available to the player in order to defeat all this vilains !

Here are some images of the game:

Thanks to everyone who will download the game and make me feedback, it helps me a lot !

Thanks !

Ok thanks for your feedback, I will try to see what’s causing this issue, a new patch should come tomorrow anyway :)

Hey, do you selected them in the workbench right after collecting them ?