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neon city

A member registered Oct 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Absolute beauty! I love it so much!

Đương nhiên rồi! Chúng mình rất vui khi bạn có hứng thú với game ạ. :D

Will there be additional community copies in the future?

I tried that but it still did not work. I tried playing the game on my browser, via the itch app; I tried playing in fullscreen, in windowed mode, but nothing worked.

I could not start the game; it is stuck at the menu screen.

The lack of even a written tutorial is definitely an issue. However, the game is fun and intuitively designed. Simple to pick up and master in a few minutes.

Loved it! I really like the idea of making a computer’s file system into a dungeon.

Thank you! This means a lot.

What a fun little experience that was! I really enjoyed the do nothing part, that was super creative!

Thank you for pointing it out. I made a serious blunder there. I’ve editted the post and included a screenshot within.

(1 edit)

hi everyone,

i want to share a tiny game that i made recently. it’s a short adventure based on the dnd role-playing game. the game is really simple and should take about 5 minutes to complete but i hope you all enjoy it!

Link to the game.