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Nathan Salin

A member registered Jan 28, 2024

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Thanks, we're glad you enjoyed our time on our game !

Thibaud did a really great job on the music and sound, especially considering the limited time he had. We're glad you enjoyed our game!

We're glad you had fun with our game !  We worked hard on making the gameloop as enjoyable as possible, Glad it paid off for you ^^. 

Thanks ! We're glad you had fun with our game !

When the food value get big, you can grow very fast indeed ^^'. We add a restart button exaclty for those cases ;)
We're glad you had fun with our game!

Indeed, the learning curve is quite steep, but that's mainly due to the limited number of levels. With more levels, the progression would have been smoother! We're glad you had fun with our game!

Be reassured, the experience was trully enjoyable nontheless ! ;)

Thanks ! Glad you enjoyed it !

Hello! I enjoyed the game—short but fun nonetheless! However, a few points could use some changes:

  • Firstly, there's no audio or visual feedback when you hit a monster, making it hard to tell if you've landed a hit.
  • The "blue crocodile/hippo" monsters are quite frustrating and often drag you through the door you just entered.
  • Except for the "blue crocodiles/hippos," the impact of other monsters is negligible, so I found myself just avoiding them rather than engaging.
  • Shooting the door to open it isn't intuitive. Maybe add something that indicates we should shoot at it?

The implementation of the jam's theme, "build to scale," is only reflected in the story and doesn’t impact gameplay, which is a bit disappointing.

 Still, it was a short and enjoyable experience.

Hope you continue to make game and find enjoyement in making them !