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Nater Tot

A member registered Apr 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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If grabbing and pulling the hell out of it doesn't work, best bet is to reload the save. I got my boy Kerfur stuck under the base and was able to wrangle him out from under it with a bit of time.

I basically buy a buncha garbage bags, clean up what I can, then sell em with an item box. For the little trash, I try to have my roomba run a day shift around a room to pick up the lil bits, but that can be hard when you still have trash piles around the base.

I'm curious if it's worth it to sell extra drives. I'm at a point where I'm processing more signals than I am outputting, and there's two "special" level 0 signals I have that I would like to have sent but I don't want to fuck up the daily report either. I also just don't know if sending another box does anything

Holy shit, thank you, there are three folders for version 6 builds and the 7z for 7_011

That is what I was using to manage it, I tried the re-install feature in app and nothin changed

Fair enough. I'm just curious why Itch won't gimme the 7.0. Ah well.

So I've had the game downloaded for a bit right, and I saw how the game differed in 7.0 from previous iterations and was like "I should check to make sure my save is just stuck in that mode." My game reads as version "Demo 0.6.2 (experimental)" and Itch says it's completely up-to-date. How do I get my game up-to-date without like fuckin over my save, if possible? I thought about re-installing it but I figured that would erase the data already there, and I thought about downloading a new version but realized my save wouldn't be there to move stuff over. I just wanna keep my lil Kerfur pal :[

My fingers hurt

Interesting. At first, I was running tacos, somebody told me pizza was good and I've been using that since. I'd be curious to see how shrimps hold up. Also, thanks for recommending the choco bar, I'll keep that in mind for the future.

I hopped on today but never got around to exploring the river, I'll keep you posted when I get to that pond

Thank you for the advice!

Thank you, Vinny's pizza will forever remain in my hotbar

I didn't even think to drag it in, thank you chromosom

I'm tryna figure out how these things work. I tried a few different button combos on the repair drive slot with the disc in my hand, but neither seem to do anything with it. How do I use the server kits?

I keep getting stuck in a loop of needing food and never having enough money to buy goodies. Anyone have tips for saving big bucks without stumbling over yourself a billion times from starvation?