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A member registered Apr 28, 2017

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I had to send this for you... Sorry, jokes aside.

Hey Marcos, we'd love your presence, we gonna discuss the theme tomorrow, but we're thinking something using a real mirror... Like you have to look at a mirror image of your monitor to play the game properly. What do you think? Can we count on you to discuss it tomorrow? See ya, good night!

Oh thank you, good luck for you too!

I can speak english, and my teammate can understand a little.

Well, we gonna discuss the idea of the game mostly tomorrow.  We gonna work mostly at Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, and casually at weekdays. We already did some games for jams on GameMaker, you can check my portfolio for some work we did:

We are not looking for a specific role to fill, but anyone who love games and also will enjoy the jam.

We can do 2d art, programming in general, I can mix some soundFX and create some music... Also we can do the basic of animation2d and lighting...

We can setup a Discord, Skype, whatever you want. We pretend to work with Unity, but we are open to suggestions!

See ya guys, good luck for everyone!