It is haha gonna keep that in my head for the next run xd
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Very well made boxing game. But had problems with the german keyboard. My y was recognized as z. Found it out at the boss fight and smashed space so often therefore.
Really fun and rewarding though to press the POWER. In the end after “I want to pay my mother back” it just hung up and played music. Hoped for a final scene. :)
Published a whole 2d Game Template using these sprites:
Sadly I missed the deadline by a few seconds but you can try mine:
Learned a lot about pathfinding and world generation in the last days. Normally I do 48hour jams so I propably just wait until friday night and then start with a pretty well 5 day prepared setup.
Don't stress so much. Write clean code with a lot of comments so it can be debugged in the last 5 minutes (when you try to build and upload it).
AND BUILD IT NOW so you can big build problems you face right now.