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A member registered Dec 13, 2013 · View creator page →

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J'ai apprécié jouer à ce """"JEU"""".

This """GAME""" is pure """ART"""!!


Pressing B on the Pause menu causes the game to restart, even if Continue is selected. Is that intentional?

It caused me to lose my progress 😟

Moi aussi!

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My high score is 1010. Update: 1153!

lol, nice ending!

Let me tell you all about the super cool projects I'm following working on peer-to-peer serverless messaging! (without any blockchain and NFT bullshit!)

Hmmm.... I would probably do a terrible impression.... but are my friends actually better than my poor performance? 🤔

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Je me demandais comment tu faisais pour que le text wrap correctement sur ordi ou sur mobile.

Par contre, je regarde ton source.... utiliser du javascript pour ça c'est pas overkill aussi?


Une idée: tu pourrais en faire un bot Mastodon! Je pourrais te donner mon code pour Jasons-Masto et t'aurais juste à changer le fichier des phrases!

Comment tu définis straightforward?

Ok, this will be a weird question but… which game engine are you using for these? Or is it just pure html??

en fait, je suis en train de me demander si c'est un jeu que j'ai vraiment envie de gagner. Si mes amis gagnent, c'est quasiment mieux!

ah ouais c'est clair! Ceux qui believe more in their friends, tu les tues pour pouvoir gagner. 

Dans le sens que y'a juste une phrase et rien d'autre? Aucune interaction? (à moins que le jeu soit réellement bogué de mon bord! lol)

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J'ai hâte de voir les commentaires des gens qui vont dire que le jeu est bogué!

Waiting for the comments saying the game is broken... 😁

I'm publishing this old game I did with Hamish and everyone at the Critical Hit pre-jam in march 2014.

The game was online for a brief moment back in 2014-2015, when Dropbox allowed for direct hosting of files. When they blocked that, lots of my games went down. 😥 I'm going through the process of reuploading them on Itch! 😀

We used 2 of your sounds in our little gamejam game. Thanks a lot!

31!!!! Booyaaaa!!!

Mon meilleur à date c'est 27

Post your high scores in the comments!

Dans le même genre:

The browser storage might be gone, but your memories will be kept forever!

Thanks for playing!

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What choices did you make?

If you upload your game directly on itch (instead of google drive), we would be able to install it using the Itch app.

2 years later, I still talk about this game all the time. I regard that stream/video I made as the pinnacle of my career.

Part of what you asked seems to be implemented now:

  • Left Click jump cursor to position
  • hold to drag a selection box. 
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It's a surprise! Keep playing, you'll find some!

Cool book. Very open ended. I'll be honest, I'm not sure I understood completely, even after 2 readings. This might actually be a very good thing for children books (and adults books too, lol). We're just not used to it! :D

You keep refering to this book as a "Borges"? What's that? A type of book? 

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Wow! I didn't expect anyone to play for so long! I think you might have played even more than me (and I played a lot!)

Your ideas are good. I know the game is not super interesting once you've unlocked everything because there's no "end game" to tell you it's over. I've been wanting to go back to the game and add something for the endgame but it's not a priority to me right now. Though, knowing that people are still playing does feel motivating!! :D

Send me some screenshots! By email

Si vous avez des idées de questions, n'hésitez pas à me les envoyer!

PS: Le jeu fonctionne sur ordi aussi avec Firefox.

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Thanks to you! It downloads fine now. I'll try it later today :)

On itch, if you tag your zip as "windows", we'll be able to play it though the itch app. Right now, i can't because it doesn't know what to use.

C'est pas parce qu'il est pauvre qu'il ne va pas vous enrichir.

AAAAhhhh!!! There it is!!!!

It's a weird place to put these settings. I didn't click on "theme" because I assumed it was only about colors and layout, not content.

Thanks anyway! :)

Hi there. Quick question.

I'm wondering what causes games where I'm marked as "admin" and "contributor" display or not on my profile. Some game do show up and some don't and after looking a while, I can't figure out why.

A friend have the same problem too. Games where I'm the owner and she's an admin and contributors, some show up on her profile, some don't.

Any hint? Thx!


The highest rated 3 minutes of my day!



Hey there! It's me! In our enthusiasm during the jam, we kinda skipped the step where the game ask permission to access the microphone. If you need help doing that, poke-me on twitter or facebook or whatever (all links on I'm sure we can make that work on other people's computer!

Alternative:  You put instruction on this page on how to grant permission manually. Otherwise, people can't play your super cool game!