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A member registered Apr 23, 2020

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Can anyone help, i have a new phone and i want to move the patch. But i can not find the game files. I checked where they are supposed to be. Android-data etc.

Try sisterly lust

Is it persistent save?

Lol look at his history. Probrably 6 months from now馃ぃ

Follow instructions on the website

I never did the tanja pet route. Lucy really leaves you?

(1 edit)

Then you did it wrong

Just check every monday bro.

Probrably a litter later. He has been over working himself for a while now. Very fast and frequantly big updates for a long time now. 

Delete the old version

Yes. The game has persistent save files so just delete and download the new version.

Here you go brother. Patreon does not allow incest. But download this and your game will be... " fixed".

you've reported this to android...?

Developer says its not, but its been over a year so....

I had the exact same thing when the last android update came. Persistent save files did not work anymore and the files of the game where no where to be found. Still cant find them so i'm nervous for the next update.

Kate route is not in the game. And the creator stopped so this was it.

Welp. Check back in 2025

What? There are way more updates coming then 2


Did update 10.2 but my phone still says 0.8

Go to pc and enter cheat "truestory" did not work for me either

Exorcism omg lol

I cant get it to work.

yeah me2

I have to find the second and last secret but i cant find them.

Played this game ages ago. Still miss bella in every game i play.


Does it work on android?

I really like the new Sandra story. It felt like you gave up on her for a while. This new pregnancy story makes her relevant again. Great work on 0.11 man!

If any of the girls get pregnant it has to be Sandra, she is perfect for that.

Just check the progress updates. He does an update almost every month. One of the best developers in this genre.

Where can i get the prologue?

Its in 3 parts. 1 is in your kitchen drawer. 1 in bathroom drawer en 1 given by esther at some point

Not to be an ass about a free game or anything. But i feel like 0.14 was a very small update when it has been 2 months since the last.

Strongly dissagree

What you're saying makes no sense. He is going slow because he wants to have some personal life. Hoping that the update will be longer means that he would have to work just as hard...

no. But i am telling the truth tho.

yeah. Should have added that.