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A member registered Nov 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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This was a great experience to play through!  You are very right with the fact that live gigs are something special, it feels great to see the people behind the music in person!

I've had such a wonderful time playing this!

I love, love the UI so much! It was really fun going around, changing the music and looking at the gallery!

Took me a bit to get used to the controls but I'm glad I persevered. Had fun exploring around and swimming with no time limit and no objective. Great job!

Is it bad that I killed the cactus to see what would happen? Anyway the art is really cute and I love the simple mechanic! 

If only saying hi to people was that easy in real life too hehe, great job on the game!

Beautiful illustrations accompany the whole collection. They really helped immerse me while reading. Interestingly enough, the first one "Red Curtain" was  the one that stuck with me.

Thank you for your detailed comment! Regarding the "by/plenty" instance, it is the only pair in the whole poetry collection where the flow is broken. I was too tired to try and find a better replacement for "plenty" so I just left it be. Glad you enjoyed the rest though!

This is so beautifully written! I'm so glad I had the chance to play it!

I've enjoyed my time reading the zine so much! This has to be my favorite line: "I want to breathe, but the air is full." Great job!

Your comment made my day! Tysm <3