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A member registered Aug 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Game Title/URL:    Chroma Pong /

Pitch/Information: Chroma Pong is a Neon Themed Pong game you can play locally with a friend or versus and AI opponent.

I'd like feedback on: UI, AI, SFX, Graphics and overall Gameplay. 

thank you xd 

Hi! I wanted to contiune the Catch Quandale Dingle game from my profile. It took me 5 minutes to make.

The game isn't fun but I have a lot of ideas rn and I want to continue it. All I need to know is if I can contiune a game already made for a different jam. It's full of memes and yes

Thank you for you for playing and let me know what you want to see next!


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Thank you for your feedback! Also, I try as much as I can to stay on track with coding and learn Godot almost everyday!

yep my bad

Click on Quandale Dingle

Click on Quandale Dingle

Hi I submited a game I didn;t want to so I made a new one can I submit again please?

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback! I had a great time participating in this game jam. 

Thank you very much for playing and giving me feedback! Maybe I will come back to this project someday day when I have more time

Thank you very much for playing it. I will consider your feedback and myabe improve it later on.

Thank your for playing xd

nvm it worked after I watched a tutorial, thx anyways

can I use this for a game jam?

can I use this for a game jam? i will credit you and send you the link if I finish my game

Hi! How do I use them. I opened them and I can see they are togheter. How do I split them?


I am playing on low too, but the game is terrible optimized

what is this

pretty good but please optimize it like I have 10 fps if I am playing on high settings

oh nice :) thank you

omg, that is almost the same thing I am making.. =)))))))))))))

Hi! Can I use Godot? I am a begginer and I don't know C# or C++.