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Murilo Vargas

A member registered Nov 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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First of all I apologize for two things:
1st - my english is not fluent so there may be spelling errors on the text; Yeap, brazilian guy here \o/

2 ° - this is going to be a big text lol.

Dimitri, I don't know if your goal was to make people care about each other, but that's what happened to me!
I have recently been studying to pass medical school and because of this I turned away from some colleagues, friends and my religion (Christianism in this case); I became a closed person with only one purpose, to be the best doctor they have ever seen! And for that, in addition to isolating myself from other people(to study), I also aimed to remove any and all feelings from my life ... this included love, anger, happiness, etc.
I believed that such feelings would only make my decisions more uncertain and not straightforward as they should be in my profession ...
But everything changed when I found your game ...
At first I thought it was another cliche game, that you will be loved by everything and everyone, and in the end you need to choose one.
That was changing throughout the gameplay, I started to see the student biography, which I was playing in the game, and suddenly I had a flash back from my high school period.
Where I tried to sit isolated from everyone and eating the snack my mother made while reading my books ... and along with me were two friends (girls) who always tried to chat with me, but I never gave value ...
As the game unfolded I had deeper and deeper memories of my past and I literally started to cry! I started to cry because, although I'm reaching my goal (medicine), I threw it all away, friends, dating, my religion, EVERYTHING!
This happened exactly last night at 3 am (in my country), and thanks to that I feel feelings that I never felt before; I feel like leaving home again and being able to convey this joy and love to everyone.
Your characters Sdy, Steph, Maisy and Jayda, oh god JAYDA, they really got me, they perfectly represented my high school scenario and most of my lived experiences, if this is not a gift I don't know what it is (gift regarding your script writing skills).
So, I finish here my "little"text... thank you  Dimitri! For now, I can only do this as a way of retribution, but don't worry, I have big surprises for you soon :), more specifically when I start my residency in medicine.
I am currently 20 years old and I am moving from town too so ... maybe it was because of this one of the factors that helped make this radical change? who knows .... anyway, thanks for changing my life, I hope you continue with your wonderful project and I wish this can provide the same changes you offered me, or at least the emotions I had to other people ...
God bless you (if you believe any) or good luck!