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A member registered Oct 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I did think about that for scaling the difficulty, but I was concerned that if the first song was almost all perfects, players wouldn't get used to calling out OK/Miss and would end up going into the later levels without being prepared

This game is incredible, especially for a game jam

Lol originally the x button would change the pattern of the fire but I apparently removed the code that changes to the next pattern without removing the code that stops the previous one. This is what happens when you only test your games by yourself lmao

how did you encounter that? That was a message I used to debug if the main loop stopped running

This is a 5 star game if I've ever seen one

This was such a cool idea! Took me a while to figure out what I was doing but after I figured it out it was really fun

Thanks for enjoying the game! I think all the criticisms and suggestions you made are fair, too. I did consider making the board wider but just never got around to putting it in. Maybe I'll make an improved version after the voting for the jam is over.

Thanks! I guess it's unintuitive cause they look like powerups but I meant for the dice rerolls to be obstacles since they put down more spikes in front of you

I'm glad you liked it!

That is indeed a portrait of the protagonist. It's possible to encounter it in game but it's just a little easter egg

I love the story and art style of this game! It's definitely janky but I still really enjoyed it

I uploaded a version with a bigger dead zone in case that helps

Try unplugging your controller. I was only able to test it with one controller so it might have issues with different kinds

I love it

Thank you for showing me all the good bois in 3 dimensions