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Ms. Anya

A member registered Apr 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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I think it is hilarious that Mr. Minty has protection... in the form of a condom. Which must come off for the protection to work.

I like it. It's a silly little story and I need to know where I can get my own pixiel!

This is really neat and surprisingly polished for a short jam game. I could definitely see this being the next indie hit!

It is a bit easy, though I'm not sure how one would make it more difficult beyond crafting specific hands that it is difficult to not give the opponent a good hand.

I'm not really sure how to "win". Does it just go on infinitely?

This is a nice little game. Where can I get arrested?

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, but I couldn't tell when defending is better than attacking. I assume defending prevents being grabbed and struggling, but it seems not telegraphed?

The art is nice and cute!

The paper-diorama-style always is super charming! The art is cute and well done. I am, however, having a bit of trouble figuring out what to do after the fairy h-scene. I am on Linux running through Wine, so it may be bugs induced by compatibility layers.

At first, I wasn't aware I was supposed to interact with the characters multiple times, but I got the gist of it quickly. The animations are super smooth! The fireflies around are a super nice touch.

A minor issue is that the character's animation faces the wrong direction. For example, when walking North-west, Timmy faces east, and when walking south-east, Timmy faces west. It is hardly game-breaking, of course. Also, sometimes the H-scenes fail to load, with just a black screen and a "skip" button, but the game seems to recover from that issue well.

Overall, this is a nice cute game and you both should be proud! I love the smooth animations, the art, the running away from the dark fairies, and the h-scenes are well done.

Ohh this is much much better I love it!!

Hey, I just put out a patch that makes Mari walk faster, and adds a sprint key (shift, or left-trigger on gamepads). For future games, I'll see about making it more interesting. I agree that the walking can be dull, especially the second time playing. Thank you for the feedback!

I... what did I read

In all seriousness, I think you did a lovely job. The art is tell done, the jokes land well. A lot of it felt like a powerpoint, but that's ren'py's doing, not yours.

Thank you! I spent a lot of time on the effects.

The movement is horridly slow, yeah. I ought to patch that.

I'm not familiar with psychosexual props, what would that look like?

Thank you for your feedback!

I like it! I feel like it could use coyote time and jump buffering, as I felt I was just missing a lot of jumps. I really like the racing aspect and the different routes and platforming that goes into it, making it skill-based. My skill ran out on the floating islands. I like the stylised graphics and the shell-outlining. The controls feel fairy-like, and I assume she can't really fly all that well due to the, er, luggage.

What a strangely wholesome game! I loved the moral.

I typically don't like RPGMaker games, but yours is quite good!

I love the colour palette! The UI, icons, character, and background all fit very well together (however you managed to convince stable diffusion to do that is beyond me). The gameplay was quick to understand, though towards the end of the level, I felt the difficulty had not ramped up as much as I would have expected it to. I was running it through Wine on Linux, so that may have adversely affected timers and loops.

Also writing this I just now realised that you designed the game to be one-handed on purpose, huh?

Anyway, fantastic!

At first I thought it was just going to be regular pachinko, but the many balls and the randomness, as well as the various methods are quite an interesting twist to the original! The upgrades system is also a cool addition. The bonus system made it a nice challenge to try to get to, and tame the irregularities of the balls. Awesome!